
A tale of two climate plans: Biden borrows coal industry language, Warren responds to Green New Deal

The former vice president has been criticized as insufficiently progressive on the issue of fighting climate change

It’s a tale of two very different Democratic climate change plans: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s new plan includes coal industry talking points, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s new plan channels the spirit of the Green New Deal.... Read Original Article

Pete Buttigieg says he would not have “applied that pressure” on Al Franken to resign from Senate

“That is not too high a standard,” Buttigieg’s 2020 rival Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand fired back in a statement

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, recently said he would not have “applied that pressure” on former Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn.,... Read Original Article

Trump’s re-election campaign spends big on Trump Tower. Is it making up for a shortage of tenants?

Team Trump allegedly spends $37,500 a month on office space at Trump Tower, yet only a handful of people work there

President Donald Trump reportedly spends $37,500 a month of his re-election campaign’s war chest on office space at Trump Tower, yet much of that space is not being used.

The president’s campaign shells out for real estate at his namesake building on Fifth Avenue, although only “four or five” campaign workers are employed at the Manhattan headquarters of his re-election effort, according to HuffPost.... Read Original Article

President Trump warns congressional GOP that effort to stop his Mexico tariffs would be “foolish”

One possible ramification of the GOP’s efforts? They could thwart the president’s ability to build his border wall

Donald Trump faces the first real pushback of his presidency from congressional Republicans, whose apparent desire to avoid new tariffs on Mexican goods could ultimately cost the commander-in-chief his coveted border wall.

Congressional Republicans are weighing the option of voting to block Trump’s recently-announced tariffs on Mexico, which he is threatening to implement unless the Mexican government stops all illegal immigration into the country.... Read Original Article