Published: Salon (August 9, 2016) It’s easy to roll your eyes at the “Suicide Squad” petition. In case you’ve been lucky enough to miss the news, fans of the new movie “Suicide Squad” have created an online movement to shut down aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes for posting predominantly negative reviews of their beloved film. Cue the inevitable jokes about how nerds need to get a life. Is it...
Animals and Animal Rights
Chief & I
Jul 19, 2016 | Animals and Animal Rights, Autobiographical
Published: The Good Men Project (July 19, 2016) The following article was first written on my personal blog more than six years ago. Upon rediscovering it, I knew I had to publish it here. If there was ever a moment when I wished I had a camera, it was last Friday, when I found myself emotionally bonding with an unkempt bovine named Chief at the Turtleback Zoo in Livingston, NJ. My affinity for...
Why do we have ‘fish sandwiches,’ but no ‘bird sandwiches’ or ‘mammal sandwiches
Jun 9, 2015 | Animals and Animal Rights, Health & Wellness (Physical)
Published: Good Men Project (June 9, 2015) Why don’t we care what kind of fish we eat? — As the title of this article indicates, I have a very simple question: If we wouldn’t be okay with eating a “mammal sandwich” or a “bird sandwich,” then why do we acquiesce in being fed something simply known as a “fish sandwich”? My first hypothesis was that, on a cultural level, Americans simply don’t care...
A Man and His Dog: The Story of Bixby
May 14, 2015 | Animals and Animal Rights, General Advice, Internet Culture
Published: Good Men Project (May 14, 2015) The Good Men Project interviews Mike Minnick, who has been cycling across America with his dog Bixby. Have you heard about the cyclist who’s been crisscrossing America with his dog in tow? His name is Mike Minnick, and four years ago he was in a very different place, both literally and figuratively. As he describes it, he was “stuck in a tiresome job in...
Pennsylvania Desperately Needs Rick Santorum Right Now
Apr 15, 2013 | Animals and Animal Rights, Conservativism, mic, Pennsylvania, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: mic (April 15, 2013) Here are eight words that I doubt have ever come from the pen of a liberal columnist: "Where is Rick Santorum when we need him?" This thought comes to mind as soon as one looks at PA HB683, a new bill introduced in Santorum's home state of Pennsylvania that would outlaw whistleblowing on factory farm cruelty. Sponsored by Representative Gary Haluska (D-Cambria) as...
“Gay Dog” in Tennessee Might be Killed Because Owner Doesn’t Want Him
Jan 31, 2013 | Animals and Animal Rights, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, mic
Published: mic (January 31, 2013) A dog in Tennessee is going to lose his life today because of suspicions that he is gay. As explained by, "According to the prior owner, the dog was seen 'hunched over,' another male dog, therefore, in this owner's mind, the dog must be gay." One could respond to this by pointing out that dogs "hump" each other as a way of asserting dominance, thus...