
Asperger’s Syndrome

Autism Tale: One of Trump’s fake electors physically attacked me… and my college doesn’t have my back

Autism Tale: One of Trump’s fake electors physically attacked me… and my college doesn’t have my back

My Introduction… to Medium (as shown on medium.com): On Feb. 3rd of this year, an attorney named Tom Carroll physically attacked me. He wasn’t alone; two other men helped him, but I don’t know their names. I do know this: I suffered a concussion, and still have symptoms today. I also know this: A little more than a year ago, Carroll promised to be a fake elector for President Donald Trump during...

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Gender stereotypes have made us horrible at recognizing autism in women and girls

Published: Quartz (October 12, 2016) In August, the National Autistic Society called on medical professionals to change the way they diagnose women and girls with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Ever since the term autism was first coined by Hans Asperger in 1944, it has remained predominantly, if anecdotally, associated with men and boys. As a result, women with the condition may be being...

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Jill Stein and Donald Trump are both linked to a dangerous anti-vaccine myth that just won’t die

Published: Quartz (August 3, 2016) Green Party candidate Jill Stein likes to present herself as a pro-science, more idealistic alternative to Hillary Clinton. Stein has so far managed to stay out of the media maelstrom, but a series of troubling comments are making headlines for all the wrong reasons. One of Stein’s most problematic opinions resurfaced this week when her campaign deleted a tweet...

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Why I Write

Published: The Good Men Project (July 21, 2016) I feel like answering a question I’m often asked about one type of article I like to write… in no small part because I am myself curious about the answer. It’s been more than three years since I first started writing about my experiences as someone with Asperger’s Syndrome. The idea first came to me after it was reported that Adam Lanza, the mass...

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