
Why I Write

Published: The Good Men Project (July 21, 2016) I feel like answering a question I’m often asked about one type of article I like to write… in no small part because I am myself curious about the answer. It’s been more than three years since I first started writing...

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Chief & I

Published: The Good Men Project (July 19, 2016) The following article was first written on my personal blog more than six years ago. Upon rediscovering it, I knew I had to publish it here. If there was ever a moment when I wished I had a camera, it was last Friday,...

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The Ableism of Non-Autistics

Published: The Good Men Project (July 12, 2016) Wouldn’t it be great if everyone had a handicapped parking space? Obviously this can’t happen – the whole point of handicapped spaces is that they provide the physically disabled with closer proximity to buildings than...

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Laptop Love Letter

Published: The Good Men Project (April 21, 2016) When I was a child, I had a stuffed bear named (appropriately) Mr. Bear. He went wherever I did, and whenever he was damaged or lost, I'd feel devastated. It is normal for children to anthropomorphize inanimate objects...

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What it actually feels like to be targeted by Donald Trump’s neo-Nazi fan club

Published: Quartz (March 10, 2016) With 458 delegates under his belt so far (and counting), Donald Trump is now more than one-third of the way toward receiving the Republican presidential nomination. Although millions of Americans both inside and out of the Grand Old...

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