Published: Good Men Project (July 11, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses why it’s important to spend time offline as well as on it. — For someone whose livelihood depends on the Internet, and who maintains some of his closest personal relationships almost exclusively...
Life on the Spectrum: Time and Chance in All
Jul 3, 2015 | Asperger's Syndrome, Autobiographical, General Advice
Published: Asperger's 101 (July 3, 2015) As I explained in an editorial for Mic (which I wrote in December 2012, when Asperger’s Syndrome entered the national conversation after unconfirmed rumors circulated that Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter,...
“#LoveWins on #MarriageEquality Because of One Brave Man: Justice Anthony Kennedy
Jun 26, 2015 | Autobiographical, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Health & Wellness (Physical)
Published: Good Men Project (June 26, 2015) The four liberal judges on the Supreme Court were expected to support marriage equality, but the fifth is going to take a lot of flak for it. A doff of the hat to Justice Anthony Kennedy. From a strictly political...
Confessions of a (Diet) Cokehead
Jun 25, 2015 | Autobiographical, Health & Wellness (Physical)
Published: Good Men Project (June 25, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses his love of soft drinks… and how he was tricked into believing they were safe. — Until recently I’d never seen Coca-Cola’s iconic “Hilltop” ad… but then again, I didn’t need to. I’ve always considered...
L’Chaim: A Reflection on a Morbid Anniversary
Jun 6, 2015 | Autobiographical, Jewish Experiences
Published: Good Men Project (June 6, 2015) Exactly 18 years ago on this day, I nearly died. A somewhat morbid reflection on everything that has happened since. As I’ve discussed in an earlier article, I was the victim of an anti-Semitic hate crime when I was...
The Ethics of Getting Personal
Jun 2, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Media Issues
Published: Good Men Project (June 2, 2015) Matthew Rozsa asks one of the most important ethical questions that any editorial writer must answer: At what point does “personal” become “too personal?” —- Last Saturday I published an editorial called “3 Correctable...
3 Correctable Behaviors That Destroy Relationships
May 30, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Love and Dating
Published: Good Men Project (May 30, 2015) Matthew Rozsa identifies 3 things to stop doing if you want to give your relationship—romantic, platonic, familiar, et cetera—a chance. ___ Roughly four weeks ago, an ex-girlfriend of mine (with whom I had maintained a close...
Why We Should Stop Saying ‘Friend Zone’
May 28, 2015 | Autobiographical, Gender and Sexism, General Advice, Love and Dating
Published: Good Men Project (May 28, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses the term “friend zone” – and why we should get rid of it. Since this article was inspired by a personal experience, it seems only fair that I open it with a confession: I have complained about being...
7 Ways To Stop Worrying
May 12, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Mental Illness
Published: Good Men Project (May 12, 2015) Matthew Rozsa’s seven tips on how to stop worrying and start living. —- While I’ve written before about suffering from anxiety, there is more to worrying than the extremes of a neurotic condition or panic attack. Most of us...
The Wonders of Being Bearded
May 9, 2015 | Autobiographical, Internet Culture, Satirical Essays
Published: Good Men Project (May 9, 2015) Matthew Rozsa offers a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the wonders of having a beard. — Bearded men of the world, rejoice: Our name has been cleared! Many of us were understandably concerned earlier this week when a nasty little...