Published: Good Men Project (July 11, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses why it’s important to spend time offline as well as on it. — For someone whose livelihood depends on the Internet, and who maintains some of his closest personal relationships almost exclusively online, why do I feel the regular need to take a break from cyberspace at least once a day? It started when I found myself feeling stir...
Life on the Spectrum: Time and Chance in All
Jul 3, 2015 | Asperger's Syndrome, Autobiographical, General Advice, mic
Published: Asperger's 101 (July 3, 2015) As I explained in an editorial for Mic (which I wrote in December 2012, when Asperger’s Syndrome entered the national conversation after unconfirmed rumors circulated that Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, had been diagnosed with it): Experts have found that communication is only one-third verbal, with the two-thirds that are...
“#LoveWins on #MarriageEquality Because of One Brave Man: Justice Anthony Kennedy
Jun 26, 2015 | Autobiographical, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Health & Wellness (Physical)
Published: Good Men Project (June 26, 2015) The four liberal judges on the Supreme Court were expected to support marriage equality, but the fifth is going to take a lot of flak for it. A doff of the hat to Justice Anthony Kennedy. From a strictly political standpoint, it is a truly remarkable thing that homosexuals throughout America will be allowed to marry. In these hyper-partisan times, we...
Confessions of a (Diet) Cokehead
Jun 25, 2015 | Autobiographical, Health & Wellness (Physical), mic
Published: Good Men Project (June 25, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses his love of soft drinks… and how he was tricked into believing they were safe. — Until recently I’d never seen Coca-Cola’s iconic “Hilltop” ad… but then again, I didn’t need to. I’ve always considered the sensation of having an ice cold drink slide down your throat to be one of life’s greatest simple pleasures, and among...
L’Chaim: A Reflection on a Morbid Anniversary
Jun 6, 2015 | Autobiographical, Jewish Experiences, mic
Published: Good Men Project (June 6, 2015) Exactly 18 years ago on this day, I nearly died. A somewhat morbid reflection on everything that has happened since. As I’ve discussed in an earlier article, I was the victim of an anti-Semitic hate crime when I was twelve, one that nearly cost me my life. When I realized that the 18th anniversary of that event would fall on the day of my...
The Ethics of Getting Personal
Jun 2, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Media Issues, mic
Published: Good Men Project (June 2, 2015) Matthew Rozsa asks one of the most important ethical questions that any editorial writer must answer: At what point does “personal” become “too personal?” —- Last Saturday I published an editorial called “3 Correctable Behaviors That Destroy Relationships.” Drawing from a particularly ugly falling out that I had recently experienced with an...
3 Correctable Behaviors That Destroy Relationships
May 30, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Love and Dating, mic
Published: Good Men Project (May 30, 2015) Matthew Rozsa identifies 3 things to stop doing if you want to give your relationship—romantic, platonic, familiar, et cetera—a chance. ___ Roughly four weeks ago, an ex-girlfriend of mine (with whom I had maintained a close friendship for the year-and-a-half since our break up) texted me that she wished I wasn’t always analyzing her. Considering that...
Why We Should Stop Saying ‘Friend Zone’
May 28, 2015 | Autobiographical, Gender and Sexism, General Advice, Love and Dating, mic
Published: Good Men Project (May 28, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses the term “friend zone” – and why we should get rid of it. Since this article was inspired by a personal experience, it seems only fair that I open it with a confession: I have complained about being “friend zoned.” Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve done this, but I can’t say it hasn’t happened at all. Like most men, I have...
7 Ways To Stop Worrying
May 12, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Mental Illness, mic
Published: Good Men Project (May 12, 2015) Matthew Rozsa’s seven tips on how to stop worrying and start living. —- While I’ve written before about suffering from anxiety, there is more to worrying than the extremes of a neurotic condition or panic attack. Most of us deal with worries large and small every day, from mundane errands that loom ahead and ongoing problems that need to be solved to...
The Wonders of Being Bearded
May 9, 2015 | Autobiographical, Internet Culture, mic, Satirical Essays
Published: Good Men Project (May 9, 2015) Matthew Rozsa offers a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the wonders of having a beard. — Bearded men of the world, rejoice: Our name has been cleared! Many of us were understandably concerned earlier this week when a nasty little hoax made its rounds online impugning our good name. “Some beards are so full of poo they are as dirty as toilets” the...