

Kevin Smith is right about online bullies

Published: The Good Men Project (August 16, 2016) Simply put, cyber bullies deserve to be ridiculed because they are cowards. I suppose I can exclude the rare troll or hater who actually attaches his or her real name to their verbal bile. There are even a handful of individuals who make their careers out of trolling (Perez Hilton and Milo Yiannapoulos come to mind). That said, the vast majority...

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There’s a new, refreshing trend in online bullying

Published: The Daily Dot (January 14, 2016) If there is a single major social problem that best captures the pros and cons of our Internet-driven world, it is the issue of bullying. On one hand, the Internet has become notorious in recent years as a breeding ground for bullying behavior. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, about half of young people have experienced some form of...

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Autistic Reflections on Thanksgiving

Published: The Good Men Project (November 26, 2015) On Thanksgiving Day 2015, I am thankful for the following. Growing up, it seemed like everyone rejected me as an oddball. If I didn't correctly read the thoughts and emotions people attempted to communicate through their facial expressions and body language, I was weird and rude. When I talked too much about subjects that the people around me...

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An Asperger’s Bill of Rights

Published: Asperger's 101 (October 2, 2015) If you are a High Functioning Autistic (HFA), the odds are troublingly high that you also suffer from some form of depression. As someone who suffers from depression myself, I’ve spent a great deal of time thinking about how to find happiness when you struggle with the burdens of having an autistic brain. One possibility for the prevalence of...

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When the smartest man in the room isn’t a man – and isn’t allowed to be in the room

Published: Daily Dot (August 7, 2015) If the Internet is to be believed, Carly Fiorina was a smashing success in yesterday’s Republican first round of presidential debates. The former Hewlett-Packard CEO far surpassed her peers in Twitter mentions (according to Google and Topsy.com) and received the most Google searches among participants in the forum. At a watch party sponsored by the American...

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Hillary Clinton’s Rape Culture Problem

Published: Good Men Project (July 30, 2015) Hillary Clinton has a rape culture problem… and her supporters need to ask the right questions. Hillary Clinton has a problematic record when it comes to the issue of rape culture in America. Any politician with a similar background – regardless of party, ideology, or gender – should be expected to answer for them. Unfortunately, as I learned last...

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It’s never, ever okay to release someone’s personal information

Published: Daily Dot (July 23, 2015) Donald Trump has played many roles in his life: business mogul, author, reality TV star, and politician. But when he publicly released the private phone number of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), he wasn’t simply engaging in a run-of-the-mill political dirty trick. By violating Graham’s privacy, he assumed a new title common to the Internet era—that of the...

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