Published: Good Men Project (July 7, 2015) American foreign policy has long been governed by ideas of masculinity. Now it’s time to evaluate what that has meant for our nation – and how we should redefine “masculinity” in the future. Why do we equate...
I Was A Cyberbullying Victim and I Am Reclaiming My Voice
Jan 2, 2015 | Bullying, Internet Culture, Liskula Cohen
Published: GirlieGirlArmy (January 2, 2015) co-author: Liskula Cohen This is the story of how I reclaimed my life. Unfortunately, to tell that tale, I need to first explain how my struggle started. Back in 2009, right as the nation’s...
The dangerous double-standard of liberal ‘Social Justice Warriors’
Dec 9, 2014 | Bullying, Conservativism, Internet Culture, Liberalism, Political Ideologies
Published: Daily Dot (December 9, 2014) If you’ve logged onto the Internet recently, chances are you’re used to seeing progressives in the role of victim. In addition to its sexist undertones, Gamergate has largely been a right-wing movement, an explosion of cultural...
Why the Internet needs Monica Lewinsky
Oct 23, 2014 | Bullying, Gender and Sexism, Internet Culture
Published: Daily Dot (October 23, 2014), Huffington Post (October 24, 2014) It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to trade places with Monica Lewinsky. Not only is she destined to be remembered in textbooks as the “other woman” in one of America’s most infamous sex...
How I Respond To The Court That Just Struck Down A Historic Cyberbullying Law
Jul 3, 2014 | Bullying, Civil Liberties, Internet Culture, Liskula Cohen, Supreme Court and Other Judicial Issues
Published: Mic (July 3, 2014) co-author: Liskula Cohen On Tuesday, New York’s highest court struck down an Albany County law that would have made it a crime to “cyber-bully.” As a trailblazer in fighting for the rights of cyberbullying victims, you might think that...
Anti-Semitic Bullying Almost Killed Me
Nov 11, 2013 | Autobiographical, Bullying, Jewish Experiences
Published: mic (November 11, 2013) While I’m no stranger to covering stories involving discrimination, this one was especially personal to me. In the aftermath of a New York Times story on a rash of anti-Semitic incidents in New York’s Pine Bush Central School...