
Civil Liberties

When College Liberalism Is Wrong

Published: The Good Men Project (September 24, 2015) Once upon a time, I was a Republican. It was only a few years after the September 11th terrorist attacks and, despite my reservations about the war in Iraq, I believed that maintaining a strong national security apparatus was America’s foremost priority. Because I bought the Bush administration’s line of bull that Democrats were isolationist...

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Understanding (and Misunderstanding) Gay Rights

Published: The Good Men Project (September 1, 2015) Matthew Rozsa deconstructs the dangerous logic being used by the anti-gay rights movement in America today. — Over the last week or so, there has been a growing problem with the logic of the anti-gay rights movement. Let’s see if this article from the right-wing blog InfoWars about Vester Lee Flanagan, the African-American gay man who shot two...

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Solitary confinement is torture

Published: Daily Dot (June 24, 2015) The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution may not have as much political cachet as the First or Second, but it’s a safe bet you’re familiar with one of its most important phrases (italics added for emphasis): “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” This brings us to Barrett...

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“Why we need to remember Kalief Browder

Published: Daily Dot (June 9, 2015) Note: This article discusses themes of suicide and police abuse. On Sunday, Kalief Browder took his own life. You may have first heard about Kalief Browder last April, after the New Yorker obtained exclusive footage of the then teenager being beaten by prison guards and fellow inmates during his three-year stay in prison. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the...

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The TSA can’t find hidden explosives because the security state is failing you

Published: Daily Dot (June 2, 2015) A recent internal investigation revealed that the Transportation Security Administration failed 95 percent of its security checkpoint tests. When the Department of Homeland Security made 70 attempts to smuggle explosives and weapons past the citadels of American airport security, they succeeded 67 times. This is part of a larger pattern of post-9/11...

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The case against torture

Published: Daily Dot (March 31, 2015) If there was any doubt that Jeb Bush would repeat his brother’s mistakes on the use of torture if elected president, it has been decisively dispelled. Last December, the Senate published a report that harshly criticized the use of torture by George W. Bush’s administration. Although it noted that the president himself wasn’t informed of the details of these...

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It’s Time for Civil Disobedience in Indiana

Published: Good Men Project (March 30, 2015) It is time to bring the nonviolent protests of the 1960s civil rights movement to anti-gay Indiana. I don’t live in Indiana, and because I don’t own a car, there is little chance I’ll be visiting anytime soon. Nevertheless, like most decent people, I am horrified by Indiana’s recent so-called “religious freedom” bill that would allow businesses to...

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