
Class Issues

The real reason many Americans don’t vote

Published: Salon (November 28, 2015), The Daily Dot (November 11, 2015) Earlier this week, the Nation declared its support for an online petition urging President Obama to declare Election Day 2016 a national holiday. In doing so, they have joined forces with presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who has already introduced a bill to do the same thing. Not surprisingly, the movement...

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Hey progressives, Hillary isn’t the enemy

Published: Salon (November 12, 2015) The inevitable has finally happened: Bernie Sanders supporters are beginning to openly proclaim that, if Hillary Clinton defeats their champion in the upcoming Democratic presidential primaries, they will not support her in the subsequent election. I refer to this trend as “inevitable” because, as a Sanders supporter myself, I’ve heard this sentiment...

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How Bernie Sanders is spending $1 trillion to fix America’s Internet problem

Published: The Daily Dot (October 13, 2015) On last Sunday’s Meet the Press, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) found himself in a familiar position—namely, defending his $1 trillion economic plan. Sanders’ program, known in the Senate as the Rebuild America Act, consists of two major parts: A system of Medicare for all and investments in fixing our “crumbling...

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The Case for Unions

Published: The Daily Dot (October 9, 2015) On Wednesday morning, Huffington Post employees sent out a letter to their colleagues calling for them to unionize. “We believe organizing is the best way both to preserve what’s already working and to bring about positive change,” they argued. “Simply, a union will give us a voice in our newsroom’s future.” The Huffington Post writers may be making...

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Obama’s low-income broadband initiative could change the lives of millions of Americans

Published: Daily Dot (July 16, 2015) If equality of opportunity is to be a reality in this country, we need to recognize that it is impossible for anyone to be competitive in our modern economy without access to the Internet. That’s why President Obama’s new program to subsidize broadband for low-income families is such an encouraging step forward in addressing the systemic problems of millions...

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How American taxpayers are spending billions to keep innocent men behind bars

Published: Daily Dot (July 14, 2015) As talk show host John Oliver explained in a segment last month, America’s bail bond system discriminates against low-income Americans who can’t afford to make bail. “Jail can do for your actual life what being in a marching band can do for your social life,” Oliver quipped. “Even if you're just in for a little while, it can destroy you.” After going viral,...

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Hillary Clinton, unpaid internships, and the culture of exploiting young workers

Published: Daily Dot (July 9, 2015) Although Hillary Clinton has proposed a series of programs for reducing youth unemployment, she has also come under fire on the Internet for staffing her presidential campaign with unpaid interns. In response, Clinton announced on Tuesday that she was hiring 20 paid staffers in Iowa (the first state to hold a presidential primary or caucus next year). But, as...

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