Published: The Good Men Project (May 19, 2016) America is in a "boy who cried wolf" situation right now. We've grown so accustomed to comparing our presidents with tyrants, or insisting that a candidate's ascent to power will result in calamity, that even those of us who see an actual wolf in our midst aren't being taken seriously. The people voting for Donald Trump are well aware of our...
Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues
Anyone else worried about snowless December?
Dec 26, 2015 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, mic, Science and Technology
Published: The Good Men Project (December 26, 2015) I've lived in Pennsylvania for 18 years and, despite the state's frosty winter reputation, this is the first time I've ever witnessed a snowless December. My personal observations aside, this has been a big month for global warming. On December 12, nearly two hundred countries signed an agreement in Paris that will help bring global warming...
An Interview With the Respectful Revolution
Jun 11, 2015 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, General Advice, Internet Culture
Published: Good Men Project (June 11, 2015) Can a little respect make a difference? The Respectful Revolution believes it makes all the difference. The term “respectful revolution” may sound like a contradiction, but the site is quite real indeed … and it is already making waves. “I’ve always resented meanness and wastefulness a great deal,” explained Gerard Ungerman in an interview with The...
7 times Bernie Sanders broke the Internet
May 19, 2015 | Class Issues, Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, Economic Policy, Education, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Original Source, Plutocracy
5 reasons America needs to support water policy reform
May 8, 2015 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, General Advice, mic
Published: Daily Dot (May 8, 2015) Right now, more than a billion people live without access to fresh water. When the number is expanded to include those who spend at least one month out of the year without fresh water, it comprises more than one-third of the world population. Even though water covers 71 percent of our planet’s surface, very little of it can be used by humans. “More than 97...
Why It’s Ethically Wrong Not to Recognize Man-Made Climate Change
Feb 5, 2015 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, General Advice, mic
Published: Good Men Project (February 5, 2015) Matthew Rozsa reminds us that man-made global warming is a fact, and we as a species need to grow up and take responsibility. ___ The Paris climate summit is showing the early signs of failure. “2C is an objective,” insisted Miguel Arias Canete, the European Union’s climate chief, referencing the dangerous threshold of having the average global...
How GOP obstructionism empowered the presidency
Jan 11, 2015 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, Conservativism, Foreign Policy, Immigration, mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, President Obama, Republicans
Published: MSNBC (January 11, 2015) Listening to Rep. Louis Gohmert’s (R-TX) revanchist logic for his failed bid to oust John Boehner as speaker of the House earlier this month, you’d think the tea party wing of the Republican Party had been working with President Obama. “[We’ll] fight amnesty tooth and nail. We’ll use the powers of the purse,” Gohmert vowed in an interview with Fox News during...
7 things Americans think are more plausible than global warming
Dec 18, 2014 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, mic, Original Source, Satirical Essays
Al Gore is the single-issue candidate we need
Sep 19, 2014 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Original Source, Political Parties, Science and Technology
Watch the North Pole Lose More Than Half Its Ice in 40 Seconds
Dec 23, 2013 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, Internet Culture, mic, Science and Technology
Published: mic (December 23, 2013) Millions of people have been tricked into believing a terrible myth that's endangering Santa Claus' very livelihood. Those doing the tricking stand to make a lot of money from this fiction and promote it in the most devious and unscrupulous ways imaginable. I refer, of course, to the movement that denies global warming, and see nothing wrong with rapidly...