
Economic Policy

3 Reasons I’m Not #ReadyForHillary Just Yet

Published: Daily Dot (November 20, 2014) As a progressive millennial who actively volunteered for and supported Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries, I am ready to make public an opinion I’ve only expressed in private until now: In retrospect, I wish we’d nominated Hillary Clinton. This statement isn’t intended as a slight against Obama (who I actually ranked pretty highly...

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5 Reasons Obama Is A Better President Than You Think

Published: Daily Dot (November 12, 2014) Supporters of President Obama can rest easy: His legacy as one of America’s greatest presidents remains intact, even if the tide of public and Internet sentiments has turned. (His approval rating stands at a paltry 39 percent.) As the president works to fight for net neutrality, it's time to celebrate his biggest accomplishments. Despite the worst midterm...

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This Venture Capitalist Thinks Occupy Wall Street and Nazis Have a Lot in Common

Published: mic (January 28, 2014 Back in 1990, American attorney and author Mike Godwin observed that political discussions (particularly those that occurred online) were oversaturated with Nazi analogies. This gave birth to the expression "Godwin's Law," which argues that anyone who compares a political adversary to Nazis without sound reasoning automatically forfeits the debate. Flash forward...

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58 Republicans Supported Increasing the Minimum Wage When Bush Was President

Published: mic (January 28, 2014) One of the centerpieces of President Obama's 2014 State of the Union address was his executive order that will raise the minimum wage for employees working with federal contractors to $10.10 an hour. The President is taking action on his own because Republicans are deeply set against Democrats' efforts to raise the federal minimum wage. In short, many in the GOP...

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You’d Never Believe What Kind Of Economics MLK Believed In

Published: mic (January 20, 2014) If he was alive today, Martin Luther King, Jr. would not have been a Republican. In light of the frequency with which he is cited as a hero and role model, that point cannot be reiterated enough. We often hear about King's crusades to end legal segregation in the South and de facto segregation in the North, but far less attention is paid to the inextricable link...

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Forget TIME Magazine — Pope Francis is This Liberal Infidel’s Person Of the Year

Published: mic (December 11, 2013) Even as Pope Francis is honored as TIME Magazine's Person of the Year on Wednesday, we should remember how conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News editor Adam Shaw have denounced the perceived liberal love for the new pontiff. While the individual leftists who have praised specific papal policies can speak for themselves, I figured it was time for a much...

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Budget, Farm Bill, Immigration Reform: How Republicans Can Save Themselves Post-Shutdown

Published: mic (October 18, 2013) Right now congressional Democrats have an abysmal approval rating of 31%. Not surprisingly, however, their Republican counterparts are doing even worse, polling at only 20%. By comparison, President Obama's approval rating remains in the low 40s, suggesting that if anything, legislative Democrats are being damaged more by their institutional association with...

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Obama’s Greatness Demonstrated As He Defused the Republican Nuclear Bomb

Published:  mic (October 17, 2013) America, it is time to doff your proverbial hat to President Barack Obama. This is what a leader looks like. It isn't simply that he managed to protect his signature legislative legacy, the Affordable Care Act, from being mutilated and/or defunded by congressional Republicans. While that is quite the accomplishment in its own right (one that will be appreciated...

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How the Conservative Way Of Thinking Got America Into a Really Big Mess

Published: mic (October 16, 2013) The Senate has presented its bipartisan bill to end the government shutdown and avert a debt default. With the fate of America's financial future now resting in the hands of right-wing firebrands, it is perhaps appropriate to remember the words of Edmund Burke, the 18th century British statesman widely regarded as one of the great paladins of conservative...

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