
Elections – Other

No One Can Afford To Sit It Out!

Published: Network (October 1, 2015) Though the 2016 presidential field gets most attention, Pennsylvania voters should elect well-qualified Democratic nominees Christine Donohue, Kevin Dougherty, and David Wecht to Pennsylvania’s highest court this November to block partisan attempts to neutralize our impact next year. Likewise, prospects for a responsibly managed Northampton County depend on...

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Here’s the real reason Scott Walker dropped out of the 2016 presidential race

Published: The Daily Dot (September 22, 2015) On Tuesday morning, Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wisc.) announced what many had widely speculated, following a nationwide drop in support: He is dropping out of the presidential race. Walker emphasized in a Facebook post that he hopes his withdrawal will encourage a more “positive” race. That’s a nice message, but optimism isn’t entirely the reason for his...

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Voters are already sick of the election—and it’s not just because of Trump

Published: The Daily Dot (August 14, 2015) Does anyone care that our election cycles are getting increasingly longer? If the Republican National Committee is to be believed, then the answer is no. Despitepledging at the beginning of the year to limit the number of presidential debates that it would allow during the 2016 election season, Nancy Reagan will be hosting yet another presidential...

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3 things Americans need to do if they’re sick of money in politics

Published: Daily Dot (June 12, 2015) A new Iowa group wants to teach the Internet about the evils of money in politics. Called “Iowa Pays the Price,” the Washington Times reports that “the group plans to spend about $500,000 on an educational campaign that will include social media and online videos.” However, the Internet seems to already share the sentiment. Last week, a comprehensive survey...

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Voting machine hack proves your ballot isn’t as safe as you think

Published: Daily Dot (April 18, 2015) American democracy is quite literally under attack. Why aren’t we spending as much money as it takes to protect it? According to a security review published by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency earlier this week, the electronic voting machines sold to that state (as well as Pennsylvania and Mississippi) by Advanced Voting Solutions “operate with a...

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What John Oliver doesn’t understand about America’s justice system

Published: Daily Dot (February 24, 2015) John Oliver’s eloquent rant about corruption from this weekend’s edition Last Week Tonight about the American judiciary has been going viral since the show aired Sunday night. “What he revealed was truly disturbing,” wrote Sarah Gray of Salon. Forrest Wickman of Slate echoed this sentiment, observing that “as a British immigrant, John Oliver has often...

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Can We Learn Anything From Losers

Published: Good Men Project (January 13, 2015) Matthew Rozsa looks for lessons in the lives and legacies of the presidential ‘Also Rans.’ ___ I have looked by the way at what happens to anybody in this country who loses as the nominee of their party. They become a loser for life, alright? —Mitt Romney, from the documentary, Mitt ___ There is something oddly poignant about the plight of America’s...

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Observations from the primary campaign trail

Published: The Morning Call (June 16, 2014) After more than two years as a political columnist for PolicyMic and other publications, I made the decision last month to undertake a career hiatus and work as the Northampton County field organizer for Tom Wolf's gubernatorial campaign. Although I knew this would probably be a temporary position, I embraced it not only to help the Democrats nominate...

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If “You Pay a Million in Taxes, You Get A Million Votes.” Yes, a U.S. Billionaire Just Said That.

Published: mic (February 14, 2014) Billionaire Tom Perkins, who once compared the Occupy movement with Nazism, is again at the center of a storm of controversy. His comment? "The Tom Perkins system is: You don't get to vote unless you pay a dollar of taxes... You pay a million dollars in taxes, you get a million votes." There is something instructive in Perkins's ideas, albeit not in the way...

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The Anti-Obamacare Ads Have Been Nothing But Fear-Mongering Drivel

Published: mic (December 4, 2013) I'm not sure which prospect is more frightening: That Obamacare's opponents are deliberately lying or that they believe their own bullshit. This isn't to say that the Affordable Care Act hasn't had its hiccups. Certainly there is no excuse for the technical incompetence that has plagued the website since its launch or for the president's dishonesty regarding...

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