Published: PolicyMic (September 23, 2012) Conventional political wisdom states that, to become president, you must first acquire your party's nomination by pandering to its radical base. After that, you win the general election by moving back to the ideological center. Keep that axiom in mind as you're reading this editorial. Back in February, Mitt Romney earned the derision of political...
Elections – Presidential (2012)
Romney 47 Percent Hot Mic Comments: This Proves Just How Wrong He Is For The American Presidency
Sep 18, 2012 | Class Issues, Conservativism, Economic Policy, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2012), mic, Plutocracy, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: PolicyMic (September 18, 2012) Secret video recordings of comments made by Mitt Romney at a private fundraiser are so appalling that it's hard to figure out where to even begin analyzing them. I guess the best way is to look at the three main parts. First there is the Republican presidential nominee's declaration that 47% of the American people will vote for Barack Obama no matter...
Barack Obama Must Ask $2,000 Question
Sep 6, 2012 | Class Issues, Economic Policy, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2012), mic, Political Parties, President Obama, Republicans
Published: The Morning Call (September 6, 2012), PolicyMic (September 6, 2012) More than a month ago, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center revealed that Mitt Romney's proposed tax cuts for the affluent will require him to increase taxes on middle-class families by an average of $2,000 a year. Since then, President Obama has put a calculator on his campaign website to help ordinary citizens...
Who Won the Debate Tonight: Romney is Winner for the Media, Big Loser is Moderator Jim Lehrer
Sep 3, 2012 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2012), Media Issues, mic, Political Parties, President Obama, Republicans
Published: PolicyMic (October 3, 2012) Editor's Note: This represents instant analysis of the presidential debate on Wednesday night. For the author's thoughts in the hour immediately before the debate began, see here. [To see who won the third and final presidential debate, see here] Here are my first impressions about the first debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on Wednesday evening:...
Why Media Has Responsibility to Cover RNC Racism”
Aug 29, 2012 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2012), Immigration, Media Issues, mic, Political Parties, Race and Racism, Republicans
Published: PolicyMic (August 29, 2012) If you want to refute the widely-disseminated myth of the media having an anti-Republican bias in this election, one need not look any further than this recent incident at the Republican National Convention: The controversy should have been over the type of partisan parliamentary maneuvers that normally define such major political gatherings, as Ron Paul...
Mitt Romney Selection of Paul Ryan Declaration of War Against Middle Class
Aug 11, 2012 | Class Issues, Conservativism, Economic Policy, Elections - Presidential (2012), mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: PolicyMic (August 11, 2012) Early this morning, The Huffington Post broke the story that Mitt Romney had selected Paul Ryan to be his vice presidential running mate. In his article, Jon Ward commented that "Ryan is a bold pick who will energize the Republican Party, but putting him on the ticket is fraught with risk and instantly puts Ryan's budget plan front and center in the 2012...
What Voters Should Know About Romney’s Middle-Class Tax Hikes
Aug 3, 2012 | Class Issues, Conservativism, Economic Policy, Elections - Presidential (2012), mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: PolicyMic (August 3, 2012) According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, Mitt Romney's proposed tax cuts for the affluent will require him to increase taxes on middle-class families by $2,000 a year. Just in case you missed that the first time: If you are a wage-earner for a middle-class family, Romney would raise your taxes by $2,000. In fact, if you are among the 95% of Americans...
Mitt Romney Bain Scandal: Everything You Need To Know
Jul 15, 2012 | Class Issues, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2012), Plutocracy, Scandals
Published PolicyMic (July 15, 2012) For those of you unfamiliar with the emerging scandal involving Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, I have broken down the debacle into five convenient sets of bullet points: Romney's Actions: - In a federal disclosure form filed on August 12, 2011, Mitt Romney wrote that he had retired as CEO of Bain Capital to run the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics on February 11,...
Why Mitt Romney Should Not Choose Tim Pawlenty As His Running Mate
Jul 11, 2012 | Conservativism, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2012), mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans, Scandals
Published: PolicyMic (July 11, 2012) In 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign due to revelations that he had accepted bribes as Governor of Maryland. Why is this important nearly forty years later? Simple: If Mitt Romney chooses Tim Pawlenty as his running mate, we may have another Agnew on our hands. Before he became Governor of Minnesota, Pawlenty spent two years on the board...
The Failures of Romneynomics
Jun 11, 2012 | Class Issues, Conservativism, Economic Policy, Elections - Presidential (2012), mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: PolicyMic (June 11, 2012) The American people have made it clear that unemployment will be the dominant issue of this election. Polls consistently show voters prioritizing it far above every other policy question, with nothing else – not health care reform, not balancing the budget, not international relations, not gay rights – managing to place even a close second by comparison....