Published: Salon (March 2, 2016) The Super Tuesday results are in. On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won a fierce battle over Senator Bernie Sanders, taking home a majority of delegates in seven states compared to her rival’s four. In...
Creepy Creepy Donald Trump
Feb 27, 2016 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Gender and Sexism
Published: The Good Men Project (February 27, 2016) Let's discuss the history of presidential creepiness. In this election, this is a discussion that really matters. We can start with the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, who raped his...
Why I Admire Hillary Clinton’s Toughness
Feb 18, 2016 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016)
Published: The Good Men Project (February 18, 2016) Whenever I write nice things about Hillary Clinton, I'm compelled to preface them by mentioning that I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter. Inevitably I receive angry letters insisting that no one who truly Feels The Bern...
John Lewis is a legitimate civil rights hero – and, unfortunately, a liar
Feb 16, 2016 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016)
Published: The Good Men Project (February 16, 2016) It isn't fun to accuse someone like Rep. John Lewis of being a liar. Without question, Lewis is a legitimate living hero, a man whose legacy as a civil rights activists in the 1960s has earned him a lasting place of...
Why Bernie Sanders’ Judaism is so important
Feb 11, 2016 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Jewish Experiences, Liberalism, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Race and Racism, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: Salon (February 11, 2016) With his New Hampshire primary victory now in the books, Bernie Sanders has done more than simply guarantee that Hillary Clinton won’t have a free ride to the Democratic nomination. Indeed, even if Clinton ultimately bests Sanders...
John Kasich: Donald Trump’s Unwitting Accomplice
Feb 10, 2016 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Huffington Post (February 10, 2016) Thanks to his surprising second place finish in the New Hampshire primary, Ohio Gov. John Kasich has emerged as the GOP establishment's savior du jour. If conventional wisdom is to be believed, the Republican Party's...
Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and the Love of a Good Debate
Feb 9, 2016 | Elections - Presidential (2016), Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Good Men Project (February 9, 2016) I'm writing this before the final votes in New Hampshire have been cast, but I know one thing for certain - regardless of who wins, Marco Rubio will be a big loser. Back in April, I predicted that Rubio's...
The Problematic Inevitability of Marco Rubio
Feb 6, 2016 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Good Men Project (February 6, 2016) Last April, I wrote a piece for The Daily Dot about why Marco Rubio would never be the Republican presidential nominee. In the aftermath of the Iowa caucus, I feel compelled to retract that prediction... although not...
The real power behind the rise of tech in the Iowa caucus
Feb 1, 2016 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Internet Culture, Science and Technology
Published: The Daily Dot (February 1, 2016) Regardless of which candidates triumph in the Iowa caucuses today, there is one winner whose victory no one will be able to dispute—digital technology. To understand how the Internet has fundamentally transformed the Iowa...
The Fundamental Difference Between Sanders and Trump
Jan 31, 2016 | Conservativism, Democrats, Elections - Presidential (2016), Extremism, Liberalism, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: Alternet (January 31, 2016), Salon (January 31, 2016), The Good Men Project (January 21, 2016) As the 2016 presidential election gathers steam, it’s tempting to compare the Bernie Sanders surge among Democrats with the Donald Trump phenomenon among...