

Donald Trump’s secret weapon against Hillary Clinton

Published: Salon (April 5, 2016) There is one issue in which Donald Trump is much more progressive than Hillary Clinton – and, unless she learns from history and decisively changes the way Americans perceive her positions here, it may wind up costing her the presidency. I’m referring, of course, to American trade policy. Although the last president to oppose free trade was Hebert Hoover (and his...

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Democrats: Make your choice on April 26th

Published in Network Magazine (April 4, 2016) Author's Note: This piece was written in my capacity as Communications Chairman of the Northampton County Democratic Party back in March, before John Kasich replaced Marco Rubio as the so-called "moderate" alternative to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in the Republican presidential primaries. It was co-authored with Matthew Munsey, Chairman of the...

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Why Clinton supporters must rally behind Sanders

Published: The Good Men Project (April 2, 2016) Since the start of the year, I've written several pieces for Salon insisting that Bernie Sanders supporters vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election should she be tapped as the Democratic Party nominee. There are several reasons why I have done this: although I prefer Sanders over Clinton, I genuinely believe she would be a fine president;...

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Why Hillary Clinton’s shift to the left makes some liberals so mad

Published: Quartz (March 30, 2016) With many months to go before the conclusion of the US presidential primaries, battles lines in the Democratic party have become deeply entrenched. Just as right-wingers love to claim that Hillary Clinton is a radical liberal disguised as a moderate, so too are many progressives inclined to see her as a conservative corporatist whose liberal stances merely...

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Does hashtag activism work?

Published: The Daily Dot (March 24, 2016) There was an interesting debate at the University of Pennsylvania this week. TheFoundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, hosted a panel discussion on the effectiveness of hashtag activism. The debate featured Zeynep Tufekci, an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Zellie Imani, an educator whose...

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Obama needs to stop undermining Sanders

Published: Salon (March 22, 2016), The Good Men Project (March 19, 2016) Shame on you, President Obama, for trying to undermine Senator Bernie Sanders' campaign. As The New York Times reported on Thursday, Obama privately told a group of Democratic donors in Austin, TX that they needed to unite behind Hillary Clinton because Sanders would soon have to end his presidential bid. "Mr. Obama...

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Clintonism deserves its due

Published: The Huffington Post (March 21, 2016), The Good Men Project (March 17, 2016) Whenever I talk to potential voters who doubt Hillary Clinton (not outright oppose her, mind you, but simply have reservations), I find there are two arguments which are most likely to convince them to develop a more favorable view of her potential presidency. One is the possibility that not turning out to...

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We Need To Take Trump Seriously

Published: The Good Men Project (March 10, 2016) I've said this before, but it bears repeating. Whenever I talk to a non-Trump supporter about the possibility of Trump becoming president, I usually run into some sort of disclaimer. "I'm a little worried, but it's never going to happen." "This is getting scary, but obviously he isn't likely to become president." "I mean, even if he does become...

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What it actually feels like to be targeted by Donald Trump’s neo-Nazi fan club

Published: Quartz (March 10, 2016) With 458 delegates under his belt so far (and counting), Donald Trump is now more than one-third of the way toward receiving the Republican presidential nomination. Although millions of Americans both inside and out of the Grand Old Party are reacting to this prospect with justifiable disgust, millions more find nothing wrong with a frontrunner reluctant to...

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