Published: The Good Men Project (August 18, 2015) Political articles have been written for millennia, but thanks to the Internet, anyone with the right technology at their disposal can voice their opinions on the published work produced by professional writers....
2 Ways Homophobes Will Cope with Post-Obergefell America
Jun 30, 2015 | Conservativism, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Political Ideologies, Religion and Religious Issues,
Published: Good Men Project (June 30, 2015), Salon (July 4, 2015), Interview on LeGrande Green (August 4, 2015) SCOTUS' decision transformed the country, but don't expect its opponents to go quietly into that good night For the sake of argument, let’s take it as...
You Don’t Have To Like #MarriageEquality to See That It’s Right
Jun 27, 2015 | Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Love and Dating, Supreme Court and Other Judicial Issues
Published: Good Men Project (June 27, 2015) Matt Rozsa dismisses the top three arguments against #MarriageEquality so everyone can embrace the change. ___ Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples throughout America have the right to get married, it’s...
“#LoveWins on #MarriageEquality Because of One Brave Man: Justice Anthony Kennedy
Jun 26, 2015 | Autobiographical, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Health & Wellness (Physical)
Published: Good Men Project (June 26, 2015) The four liberal judges on the Supreme Court were expected to support marriage equality, but the fifth is going to take a lot of flak for it. A doff of the hat to Justice Anthony Kennedy. From a strictly political...
5 reasons George W. Bush is still the worst president ever
Jun 4, 2015 | Civil Liberties, Economic Policy, Foreign Policy, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Political Parties, Republicans,, Terrorism
Published: Daily Dot (June 4, 2015), Salon (June 7, 2015) George W. Bush is trending on the Internet for a surprising reason. A CNN/ORC Poll that recently hit the Web yielded some good news for the embattled former president: For the first time since the months after...
Anti-Semitism, Caitlyn Jenner, and the Insecure Male
Jun 4, 2015 | Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Gender and Sexism, Jewish Experiences
Published: Good Men Project (June 4, 2015) Some Men’s Rights Activists are blaming the positive media coverage of Caitlyn Jenner on the Jews. Yes, you read that correctly. For several weeks, I’ve been carefully preparing an article on a childhood experience that...
5 ways Republicans can reboot their brand in the Internet era
May 28, 2015 | Criminal Justice/Prison-Industrial Complex, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Immigration, Liberalism, Military-Industrial Complex/Security State, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: Daily Dot (May 28, 2015) In his new book, Taking a Stand: Moving Beyond Partisan Politics to Unite America, Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul declares that the GOP brand “sucks” and is “broken.” From those big declarations, he goes on to discuss...
Everbody hates Rick Santorum
Apr 9, 2015 | Conservativism, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Pennsylvania, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Religion and Religious Issues, Republicans,
Published: Salon (April 9, 2015) How the former GOP heavyweight became a political irrelevancy 2016 is heating up. Indiana's anti-gay law dominates the headlines. And nobody is paying attention to poor ol' Rick As Americans brace themselves for Rand Paul’s...
It’s time for Obama to fight anti-gay bigotry in Indiana
Apr 2, 2015 | Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, President Obama
Published: Daily Dot (April 2, 2015) As Arkansas contemplates a “religious freedom bill” akin to the controversial measure recently passed in Indiana, one may very well wonder: What, if anything, can President Obama do about this? More specifically, can he use his...
It’s Time for Civil Disobedience in Indiana
Mar 30, 2015 | Civil Liberties, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, General Advice
Published: Good Men Project (March 30, 2015) It is time to bring the nonviolent protests of the 1960s civil rights movement to anti-gay Indiana. I don’t live in Indiana, and because I don’t own a car, there is little chance I’ll be visiting anytime soon. Nevertheless,...