
Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues

What ‘Ender’s Game’ Teaches Us About ENDA and Homophobia

Published: mic (November 3, 2013) It is perhaps fortuitous that Ender's Game is being released as the Senate is preparing to vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Not only does this offer me this fantastic opportunity at punny wordplay, but it draws attention to how America's present social debate is severely inhibited by stigmas — both against homosexuals and against those who...

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Inside the Newest Front Lines Of the Gay Marriage Revolution

Published: mic (October 19, 2013) You may not have realized it, but October has been a portentous month in the fight for gay marriage rights. Let's go through the list: -Most pressingly, the Supreme Court of New Jersey rejected Governor Chris Christie's effort to block same-sex marriages, thereby affirming a ruling by a state Superior Court judge last month that declared a civil-union law to be...

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Mississippi Anti-Bloomberg Law: Complete Hypocrisy

Published: mic (March 21, 2013) I was reluctant to use the same Thomas Jefferson quote twice in less than two weeks, but because the governor of Mississippi missed his golden opportunity to mention it, I simply had to post it again: "The error seems not sufficiently eradicated, that the operations of the mind, as well as the acts of the body, are subject to the coercion of the laws. But our...

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Gay Rights 2013: Why This Year is Going to Be Pivotal

Published: mic (February 4, 2013), The Morning Call (February 4, 2013) When Barack Obama mentioned the Stonewall protests in his inaugural address last week, he did more than place gay rights in the same breath as the struggles for women’s equality (his mention of the Seneca Falls convention) and desegregation (his mention of the Selma marches). He also, knowingly or otherwise, foreshadowed the...

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“Gay Dog” in Tennessee Might be Killed Because Owner Doesn’t Want Him

Published: mic (January 31, 2013) A dog in Tennessee is going to lose his life today because of suspicions that he is gay. As explained by Examiner.com, "According to the prior owner, the dog was seen 'hunched over,' another male dog, therefore, in this owner's mind, the dog must be gay." One could respond to this by pointing out that dogs "hump" each other as a way of asserting dominance, thus...

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Jodie Foster Golden Globes Speech is Among the 5 Greatest Award Speeches in History

Published: PolicyMic (January 14, 2013) In light of Jodie Foster's widely discussed Golden Globes Award acceptance speech last night, I think it's only appropriate to take a look at the top 5 greatest award acceptance speeches in history: 5. Jodie Foster Let's start with the oratorical performance that is setting cyberspace afire right now ... Jodie Foster's acceptance of the Cecil B. DeMille...

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Sarah Palin’s Flawed Condemnation of Pro-Gay Rights Chick-Fil-A Boycotters

Published PolicyMic (August 1, 2012) Did you know that Colonel Sanders, the iconic fast food magnate who founded Kentucky Fried Chicken, helped bankroll the third-party presidential campaign of notorious segregationist George Wallace? Of course, this was hardly well-known during the 1968 election, when it mattered most. Sure, a trio of British reporters later chronicled Sanders's contributions...

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Why Mitt Romney is a Coward

Published: PolicyMic (June 6, 2012) Back in 1964, a Republican Governor named George Romney performed an act of rare political courage. As party delegates convened in San Francisco to coronate Senator Barry Goldwater as their presidential nominee, Romney noted Goldwater's opposition to civil rights legislation and announced that because "his [Goldwater's] views deviate as indicated from the...

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Rick Santorum and Gay Rights

Published: The Morning Call (October 2, 2011) In a recent interview with Politico, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum issued a scathing denunciation of Google. "If you're a responsible business," he remarked, "you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country." One might expect such strong words to be reserved for the greatest rascals of...

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