
Gender and Sexism

The online trial of Nate Parker

Published: The Daily Dot (August 25, 2016) Is it OK to separate the moral flaws of an artist from the quality of their art? The answer is yes—so long as you understand the consequences. It’s become an American trending topic that we can’t ignore across our Facebook feeds. When we find out that Mel Gibson said anti-Semitic things, and Michael Richards used the N-word, or that Johnny Depp is...

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From Gamergate to “Ghostbusters” to Suicide Squad: The Problem of Fan Entitlement

Published: Salon (August 9, 2016) It’s easy to roll your eyes at the “Suicide Squad” petition. In case you’ve been lucky enough to miss the news, fans of the new movie “Suicide Squad” have created an online movement to shut down aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes for posting predominantly negative reviews of their beloved film. Cue the inevitable jokes about how nerds need to get a life. Is it...

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Buying “Ghostbusters” — or not: How buying in or boycotting a summer family movie became a political act

Published: Salon (July 15, 2016) It’s just a movie, people. Watching the “Ghostbusters” reboot was like going to McDonald’s. It is disposable, thoroughly enjoyable and distinctly American mass-produced entertainment. I savor the flavor of a Big Mac with the same casual attitude that I and the others attending my screening chuckled throughout this movie. This makes it all the more remarkable that...

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Trump isn’t Goldwater… He might win.

Published: Salon (July 2, 2016), The Good Men Project (June 28, 2016) Back in March, I observed that Donald Trump had transformed the Republican Party in a similar way as Barry Goldwater. For those of you unfamiliar with the reference, Goldwater was a plucky arch-conservative Senator from Arizona who defied the GOP establishment by winning their party's presidential nomination in 1964. Although...

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My Ghostbusters Quandary

Published: The Good Men Project (May 28, 2016) When I first saw that the Ghostbusters reboot had acquired more downvotes than any other movie trailer in YouTube history, my heart sank. Sure, I’d written an article deconstructing the trailer and denouncing its flaws; then again, a year-and-a-half earlier, I’d written another piece praising the new movie for its boldness in assembling an...

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Donald Trump’s Lesson for Progressive Men

Published: The Huffington Post (May 25, 2016), The Good Men Project (May 17, 2016) I'm not here to write about the total corpus of Donald Trump's sexism. Certainly it is misogynistic to insinuate that a persistent female reporter is menstruating or insult a female lawyer who needs to pump breast milk by calling her "disgusting," but those remarks belong in a different category from the type of...

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Hillary v. Donald is a teachable moment for American feminism

Published: The Good Men Project (May 5, 2016) If I'm lucky enough to be alive in thirty or forty years, I can't wait to read what those historians write about the 2016 presidential election. My guess is that, more than anything else, it will be remembered as one the great epic struggles for women's rights. On the one side you have Hillary Clinton, who went from being America's most powerful...

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The Trump Jokes Are On Us

Published: Salon (April 26, 2016) There is an element of the Shakespearean to the Donald Trump campaign. Comedy and tragedy are often inextricably linked in melodrama, and as Trump rambles and bloviates his way through the American presidential election process (and perhaps, one fears, to the presidency itself), an intriguing narrative arc is taking shape. It began almost exactly five years ago,...

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The Wall of Hate

Published: The Good Men Project (March 29, 2016) Let’s talk, for a moment, about the Wall of Hate. It may not look like much, but it was enough to grab my attention as I walked home from the Fairchild-Martindale Library at Lehigh University. Various students were standing in front of it with markers, scribbling words that I could not as of yet discern, and several more were present to hand out...

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How to make “Indiana Jones 5? the best of the series: Kill off the racist, sexist tropes the series is steeped in

Published: Salon (March 16, 2016) Like most millennials, I’m absolutely psyched that Steven Spielberg is making a fifth “Indiana Jones” movie. The 1980s trilogy was a staple of my childhood, and after the disappointment of 2008’s “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” I’m hoping with bated breath that this new (and presumably final) chapter will offer a fitting close to the...

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