
Gender and Sexism

2 Ways We Need to Redefine ‘Masculinity’ in American Foreign Policy

Published: Good Men Project (July 7, 2015) American foreign policy has long been governed by ideas of masculinity. Now it’s time to evaluate what that has meant for our nation – and how we should redefine “masculinity” in the future.   Why do we equate “masculinity” with “aggressiveness” when conducting our foreign policy? “In the aftermath of September 11 Bush enacted a highly masculine...

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Anti-Semitism, Caitlyn Jenner, and the Insecure Male

Published: Good Men Project (June 4, 2015) Some Men’s Rights Activists are blaming the positive media coverage of Caitlyn Jenner on the Jews. Yes, you read that correctly. For several weeks, I’ve been carefully preparing an article on a childhood experience that profoundly shaped my worldview today: An act of anti-Semitic bullying that nearly cost me my life. Because June 6th  marks the...

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Why We Should Stop Saying ‘Friend Zone’

Published: Good Men Project (May 28, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses the term “friend zone” – and why we should get rid of it. Since this article was inspired by a personal experience, it seems only fair that I open it with a confession: I have complained about being “friend zoned.” Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve done this, but I can’t say it hasn’t happened at all. Like most men, I have...

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Men Crying: Should We Be Ashamed?

Published: Good Men Project (May 7, 2015) Matthew Rozsa explores an unusual aspect of the question: Why aren’t men supposed to cry? A funny thing happened on the way to my thirties: I’ve started crying again. This would normally be the part of the editorial in which I’d denounce our culture’s inability to differentiate between masculinity and mindless machismo, followed by a discussion of how...

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The Plight of the Basement Dweller

Published: Good Men Project (April 21, 2015) Basement dwellers. Trolls. We’re all familiar with this personality type: Matthew Rozsa offers an explanation as to why they exist in the first place. ___ “Cellar dwellers.” That was the expression that my friend’s husband used when referring to the trolls who posted misogynistic comments under her latest article. After laughing at the generation gap...

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Why Joss Whedon Was Right About Sexism in the “Jurassic World” Trailer

Published: Good Men Project (April 18, 2015) It’s admirable that Joss Whedon doesn’t want to criticize other artists, but he wasn’t wrong in his observation about “Jurassic World.” ___ During an interview with Variety at the premiere for The Avengers: Age of Ultron, director Joss Whedon was asked about his recent criticism of an allegedly sexist clip from Jurassic World. His response was...

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Classified: Writer Seeks Neuter Pronoun

Published: Good Men Project (April 14, 2015) Are you tired of the English language only containing masculine and feminine pronouns? Well, some people are… and Matthew Rozsa is one of them. This is an article about pronouns. Don’t worry, I won’t write one about amateur nouns. Now that the groan-inducing pun is out of the way (this is an article about language, so you should have seen it coming),...

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A Great Cosmic Joke: The Hilarious Human Body

Published: Good Men Project (March 31, 2015) Human beings are clumsy, hairless monkeys obsessed with looking beautiful. How is that not funny? ___ For as long as I can remember, I have found the emotion of awkwardness to be endlessly amusing. It’s why I enjoy TV shows like “Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job,” so-bad-they’re-good movies like “Troll 2,” and reciting anecdotes from the Darwin...

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The Sentencing Gap: Why are Men More Likely to Go to Prison?

Published: Good Men Project (March 17, 2015) co-author Liskula Cohen Men are statistically more likely to go to prison than women for the same crime. Feminists and Men’s Rights Activists alike should be outraged. People forget that prisons aren’t always there to protect us; in fact, they often aren’t there to help us at all. When you have a primarily or entirely privatized penal system, prisons...

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