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General Advice
My Biggest Pet Peeve: The Freeze Out
Mar 1, 2016 | General Advice
Published: The Good Men Project (March 1, 2016) I know I've tackled this subject before, and that article proved to be one of my least successful for this site. Nevertheless, every so often a writer needs to discuss what's on his mind even if his audience doesn't much care to hear it, so hear I go: I am sick and tired of the freeze out. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a "freeze out"...
When did incompetence become okay?
Jan 26, 2016 | General Advice
Published: The Good Men Project (January 26, 2016) Have we decided, as a society, that professional incompetence is something we must tolerate? Indeed, dare I say, that it is even acceptable? This isn’t an entirely rhetorical question. Most people are happy to pay lip service to the importance of reliability and efficiency, and there is little question that Americans are second-to-none when it...
Living with an Invisible Disability
Dec 31, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, mic
Published: The Good Men Project (December 31, 2015) This is an article about invisible disabilities... metaphorical as well as literal. As many of my readers already know, I was born with a hand-eye coordination disability that mystifies my neurologists to this day. Thanks to my parents' diligence and the help of wonderful childhood physical therapists, I have sufficiently overcome it so that...
The Work I Dread
Oct 6, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice
Published: The Good Men Project (October 6, 2015) Despite my fear of sounding self-pitying, I want to tell you about my strange relationship with work. It will make me feel better and might help a few of my readers. I'm a chronic workaholic. As I write this, I am a freelance columnist for several online publications, an elected official for my local Democratic Party, and a full-time PhD student...
When Do You Go Full Bald?
Sep 22, 2015 | General Advice, Health & Wellness (Physical)
Published: The Good Men Project (September 22, 2015) Although my hairline started receding during my mid-20s, it didn’t become especially noticeable until about a year ago. Before then, people still felt comfortable joking that my increasingly prominent widow’s peak would someday turn me into a proverbial chrome dome. It wasn’t until the humor stopped and the sympathy commenced that I realized I...
Why Everyone Needs A Brains Trust
Sep 17, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, mic
Published: The Good Men Project (September 17, 2015) It recently occurred to me that there is a special type of friend in my life who I've never really honored. For that matter, I've noticed that although a lot of people have forged these unique relationships, they aren't widely discussed in the media. While I could spend an entire article speculating as to why that's the case, I think our time...
Why We Need To Bring Back Crushes
Aug 20, 2015 | General Advice, Love and Dating, Satirical Essays
Published: The Good Men Project (August 20, 2015) Let’s talk about crushes. I recently noticed that when adults discuss their romantic feelings, the term “crush” is almost never used. When it does appear, there is almost always an apologetic undertone to it – people will qualify their crushes with adjectives like “schoolboy” or “schoolgirl” (as in, “I have a bit of a schoolboy crush on you”), or...
5 Simple Tips To Being Both Lazy and Successful
Aug 13, 2015 | General Advice, Satirical Essays
Published: The Good Men Project (August 13, 2015) If you’re reading this article and consider yourself to be lazy, ask yourself one question: Why would someone choose to be lazy? There is a considerable stigma attached to the lifestyle associated with laziness: Out-of-shape both physically and mentally, someone who doesn’t contribute to society, mooches off others instead of supporting...
Looking Through ‘Depressing’ Tweets
Aug 8, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, Mental Illness, mic, Uncategorized
Published: Good Men Project (August 8, 2015) Matthew Rozsa explores the latest Twitter trend, #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs. — For the most part I’m not a big fan of Twitter. Any medium that attempts to condense the human experience into 140 characters is, in my opinion, more likely to water down meaningful self-expression than encourage it. Although my career makes Twitter use something of a...