
General Advice

It’s Time for Civil Disobedience in Indiana

Published: Good Men Project (March 30, 2015) It is time to bring the nonviolent protests of the 1960s civil rights movement to anti-gay Indiana. I don’t live in Indiana, and because I don’t own a car, there is little chance I’ll be visiting anytime soon. Nevertheless, like most decent people, I am horrified by Indiana’s recent so-called “religious freedom” bill that would allow businesses to...

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Why Texas shouldn’t ban the Confederate flag from license plates

Published: Daily Dot (March 25, 2015) Whether it's Reddit trolls or real-life ones, freedom of speech in the Internet age can be very unpleasant. The Supreme Court is currently preparing to hear a controversial case about whether the government of Texas has the right to ban hate speech from state-issued license plates; in this case, the issue is over use of a Confederate flag-based insignia by a...

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To Stop Not Moving: The Story of a Sick Week

Published: Good Men Project (March 24, 2015) A man who very rarely takes sick days—or weeks—discusses how he recently collapsed from exhaustion. ___ The movie poster is probably fake, a cheap knock-off sold by an unscrupulous Amazon vendor, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m transfixed by the image of a single quarter, either carefully placed or carelessly tossed onto droplets of blood, which is...

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Learning to Live With Dread

Published: Good Men Project (March 12, 2015) Matthew Rozsa shares his secret for not worrying about the end of world and everything else that makes him anxious. ___ Every morning I wake up with a sinking feeling in my gut. If the day goes well, I sweat jittery bullets at the unshakable fear that the good will somehow be taken away from me and replaced with devastating disappointments and...

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My Top 3 Pet Peeves (That Are Actually A Big Deal)

Published: Good Men Project (February 26, 2015) Matthew Rozsa shares the three pet peeves that bug him the most. Someone has to do it, right? ___ It’s strange writing an article about pet peeves. Normally I try to write about topics that have significant consequence, and a pet peeve by definition is an annoyance that can be easily brushed off. Except sometimes they can’t. There are certain...

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Maturity: Learning It’s Not About You

Published: Good Men Project (February 14, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses three ways in which being mature can be reduced to a single lesson: It isn’t about you. Everything you need to know about maturity can be boiled down to one lesson: It’s not about you. I’d like to claim credit for this realization, but the accolades belong to my close friend Rosalia. A valuable sounding board if there ever...

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A Valentine’s Day PSA for Single Ladies… and Single Gents

Published: Good Men Project (February 13, 2015) co-authored Tillie Adelson Fashion blogger Tillie Adelson joins Matthew Rozsa in writing about the different ways men and women experience Valentine’s Day. ___ By Tillie Adelson and Matthew Rozsa It isn’t uncommon for single women to receive encouraging missives when Valentine’s Day rolls around. In that vein, I posted the following musing earlier...

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Why It’s Ethically Wrong Not to Recognize Man-Made Climate Change

Published: Good Men Project (February 5, 2015) Matthew Rozsa reminds us that man-made global warming is a fact, and we as a species need to grow up and take responsibility. ___ The Paris climate summit is showing the early signs of failure. “2C is an objective,” insisted Miguel Arias Canete, the European Union’s climate chief, referencing the dangerous threshold of having the average global...

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A Guide to Online Etiquette – and Basic Human Decency

Published: Good Men Project (January 20, 2015) Matthew Rozsa offers a set of rules to give us a kinder, gentler Internet. ___ My first experience with Internet flaming occurred more than a decade ago, when I was still an undergraduate at Bard College. The 2004 presidential election had just ended, and although I’d staunchly supported John Kerry (more on that in a moment), I’d openly disapproved...

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Can We Learn Anything From Losers

Published: Good Men Project (January 13, 2015) Matthew Rozsa looks for lessons in the lives and legacies of the presidential ‘Also Rans.’ ___ I have looked by the way at what happens to anybody in this country who loses as the nominee of their party. They become a loser for life, alright? —Mitt Romney, from the documentary, Mitt ___ There is something oddly poignant about the plight of America’s...

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