
General Advice

A Model’s Take on the Politics of Photoshop

Published: GirlieGirlArmy (July 21, 2014) co-author: Liskula Cohen It’s interesting that Photoshop has developed such a poor reputation.  Over the past week it has already made national news twice – first in a controversy over whether InStyle Magazine excessively altered Zooey Deschanel’s appearance for their cover, and now thanks to a series of Bongo ads featuring Vanessa Hudgens which go out...

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Write What You Know

Published: CadyMcClain.com (June 8, 2014) This literary aphorism may have been penned by Mark Twain, but it could have very easily been said by Cady McClain, the daytime television star (All My Children, As The World Turns, The Young and the Restless) whose memoirs, Murdering My Youth, were released on Amazon in April. Unlike many similar books published by public figures, Cady does not use this...

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What the 20-Something Nostalgia Obsession Means About Growing Up

Published: mic (February 21, 2014) Jean-Luc Godard once said that the best way to criticize a movie is to make another one. But our generation has put a strange twist on his aphorism: Even when we make new movies, we only seem to do so as a way of seeing old ones again. Don't believe me? Just look at the top box office hits of the past 14 years. With the exception of Avatar, every film was an...

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A HUGE Gay Rights Battle Was Just Won in Kentucky. This is a Really Big Deal.

Published: mic (February 12, 2014) A federal judge has struck down Kentucky's law banning gay marriages from other states. This historic decision, which is being rightly celebrated by the pro-LGBT community, sets an important precedent. By establishing that the constitutional guarantee to equal protection under the law applies to gay couples, it exposes the lie in the "states' rights" rhetoric...

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“J. P. Morgan Exec Explains How To Survive College in Epic Company-Wide Email”

Published: mic (January 9, 2014) an introduction to an article written by Michael Cembalest As one of the "liberal professors" alluded to in the following email from JPMorgan executive Michael Cembalest to the company's clients, it may seem ironic for me to compose the introduction to this article. That said, at a time when too many millennials feel overwhelmed by the challenges of Great...

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What ‘Ender’s Game’ Teaches Us About ENDA and Homophobia

Published: mic (November 3, 2013) It is perhaps fortuitous that Ender's Game is being released as the Senate is preparing to vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Not only does this offer me this fantastic opportunity at punny wordplay, but it draws attention to how America's present social debate is severely inhibited by stigmas — both against homosexuals and against those who...

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Apple, Nokia, and Microsoft Unveil Tablets: Can Humans Keep Their Humanity In the Techno Age?

Published: mic (October 21, 2013) The headline of the new Huffington Post article says it all: "Young People Say Technology Is Often Dehumanizing But Makes Life Easier" As Apple, Nokia, and Microsoft all prepare to unveil new tablets on Tuesday, this succinctly summarizes the root of our generation's dilemma. While we naturally lap up the benefits and conveniences that come with technological...

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Halloween 2013: Top 10 Horror Movies For Every Political Junkie

Published: mic (October 28, 2013) Whoever said that horror shouldn't be taken seriously? Well, a lot of people, actually. Although some of the most widely recognized artistic geniuses of our time have dabbled or even specialized in horror, from Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft to Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick, the genre still tends to receive less acclaim, at least when compared to...

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Why Indie Films Are the Blockbusters Of the Future

Published: mic (September 12, 2013) Every so often there is a silver lining to bad news, and this silver lining in particular should resonate with independent filmmakers. As a recent New York Times headline blared: "Huge Summer for Hollywood, but With Few Blockbusters." What followed was a piece reviewing the "darker realities" behind Hollywood's seemingly "blockbuster" summer, which despite a...

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The 10 Best Jack Nicholson Movies Ever

Published: mic (September 4, 2013) Note: This article reports that Jack Nicholson is retiring. Turns out that's not true. The media incorrectly reported on this actor's retirement. He will still be in the film industry. In light of his recent announcement that he'll be retiring from acting, we honor Jack Nicholson's 10 best movies. Please bear in mind that these are only the opinions of this...

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