Published: Salon (April 9, 2016), The Good Men Project (April 7, 2016) When Martin Luther King Jr. is brought up in a political conversation, it is usually in reference to his work for civil rights.... and if you're a member of the proverbial one percent, this is...
Why Hillary Clinton’s shift to the left makes some liberals so mad
Mar 30, 2016 | Centrism, Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), History, Liberalism, Political Ideologies, Political Parties
Published: Quartz (March 30, 2016) With many months to go before the conclusion of the US presidential primaries, battles lines in the Democratic party have become deeply entrenched. Just as right-wingers love to claim that Hillary Clinton is a radical liberal...
Clintonism deserves its due
Mar 21, 2016 | Economic Policy, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Foreign Policy, History
Published: The Huffington Post (March 21, 2016), The Good Men Project (March 17, 2016) Whenever I talk to potential voters who doubt Hillary Clinton (not outright oppose her, mind you, but simply have reservations), I find there are two arguments which are most likely...
A Historical Quirk (That Works Against Republicans)
Dec 5, 2015 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), History
Published: The Good Men Project (December 5, 2015) The last president to be elected without winning his home state was James Polk in 1844. The last one to be re-elected without conquering his own political stomping grounds was Woodrow Wilson in 1916. These data points...
5 reasons why modern wing-nuts would’ve hated the founding fathers
Nov 29, 2015 | Class Issues, Economic Policy, History
Published: Alternet (November 29, 2015), Salon (November 27, 2015) If you’re a Democrat (or, for that matter, a progressive of any stripe) the chances are you’ve heard conservatives evoke the founding fathers when dismissing your beliefs on economic issues. The term...
Unprecedented Presidents: A History of Firsts
Nov 5, 2015 | Elections - Presidential (2016), History
Published: The Good Men Project (November 5, 2015) The past century has proved to be a golden age for unprecedented presidents and vice presidents. Before the election of 1928 (more on that in a moment), every candidate for America's two highest offices fit into a...
2016: The weirdest presidential election ever?
Nov 3, 2015 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), History, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Good Men Project (November 3, 2015) Politics is usually pretty weird, but the presidential election shaping up right now is definitely an outlier even by American standards. There has to be a deeper significance in the fact that such an unusual election...
John Boehner’s Legacy
Oct 29, 2015 | Conservativism, Extremism, History, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Good Men Project (October 29, 2015) As Republicans scramble to anoint Rep. Paul Ryan as the successor for soon-to-be-former Speaker of the House John Boehner, it is worthwhile to examine precisely why the Ohio congressman’s tenure has been such a...
Why Biden’s Decision Matters (for the Vice Presidency)
Oct 20, 2015 | Elections - Presidential (2016), History, Vice President Biden
Published: The Good Men Project (October 20, 2015) As America prepares for Joe Biden’s decision on whether or not to run for president next year, it is perhaps appropriate to reflect on the impact his choice will have on the office he currently holds – the vice...
Stop comparing Kim Davis to Rosa Parks
Sep 10, 2015 | Civil Liberties, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, History, Race and Racism, Religion and Religious Issues,
Published: Salon (September 10, 2015), The Daily Dot (September 8, 2015) In a mission to cast Kim Davis—the Kentucky clerk who has been temporarily jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses—as a martyred culture warrior, conservatives are comparing her...