Published: Daily Dot (December 9, 2014) If you’ve logged onto the Internet recently, chances are you’re used to seeing progressives in the role of victim. In addition to its sexist undertones, Gamergate has largely been a right-wing movement, an explosion of cultural...
How Facebook made growing up in the White House even more complicated
Dec 3, 2014 | Internet Culture, President Obama
Published: Daily Dot (December 3, 2014) Anyone criticizing Sasha and Malia Obama needs to do more than just check their partisanship. Instead, they might be well-advised to go one step further and take stock of their philosophy on child-rearing. Although it may be...
How Ayn Rand became an Internet superstar
Nov 17, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Internet Culture, Libertarianism, Political Ideologies,
Published: Daily Dot (November 17, 2014), Salon (November 18, 2014), MediaREDEF (November 18, 2014) Ayn Rand is not a feminist icon, but it speaks volumes about the Internet that some are implicitly characterizing her that way, so much so that she’s even become a...
Why Sexist Attacks on Hillary Clinton Won’t Fly On The Internet
Nov 12, 2014 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Gender and Sexism, Internet Culture, Political Parties
Published: Daily Dot (November 12, 2014) Six years ago, sexism in the media was instrumental in denying Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential nomination. Thanks to the growth of online feminism, however, the media may be her salvation in 2016. In an interview...
Only a culture of shame can finally put a stop to Gamergate
Nov 3, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Gender and Sexism, Internet Culture
Published: Daily Dot (November 3, 2014) Roman philosopher Seneca suggested that “shame may restrain what law does not prohibit,” and the message might as well have been directed at anyone who writes, reads, and/or comments on Internet articles. It’s time that we apply...
Why the Internet needs Monica Lewinsky
Oct 23, 2014 | Bullying, Gender and Sexism, Internet Culture
Published: Daily Dot (October 23, 2014), Huffington Post (October 24, 2014) It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to trade places with Monica Lewinsky. Not only is she destined to be remembered in textbooks as the “other woman” in one of America’s most infamous sex...
5 ways to make sure you’re not that customer the Internet hates
Oct 21, 2014 | Class Issues, General Advice, Internet Culture
Published: Daily Dot (October 21, 2014) If there’s one topic food service employees love to discuss, it’s the pros and cons of working in their industry. People seem to hold a different standard for how they treat waiters, fast food clerks, and the wide range of other...
The one thing everyone forgets about Obama’s legacy
Oct 16, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Health & Wellness (Physical), Internet Culture, President Obama
Published: Daily Dot (October 16, 2014) Unlikely though it might seem, First Lady Michelle Obama’s new viral video “Turnip for What” is more than just a silly video that parodies a hip-hop hit to teach Americans about the joys of eating the titular vegetable. Indeed,...
I’m a real teacher, and I love Rate My Professor
Oct 13, 2014 | Autobiographical, Education, Internet Culture, Science and Technology
Published: Daily Dot (October 13, 2014) The website Rate My Professor, which allows users to rank and write reviews of their teachers, is more than just a valuable tool for college students who want to be smart consumers about their classroom experiences. It also...
Anita Sarkeesian & The Self-Dehumanization of a Generation
Sep 24, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Gender and Sexism, General Advice, Internet Culture, Millennials
Published: The Good Men Project (September 24, 2014; republished on October 15, 2014) The backlash against statements by gaming commentator Anita Sarkeesian has writer Matthew Rozsa questioning mob mentality in the digital world. Before discussing the Anita...