
Jewish Experiences

I’m the Victim of an Anti-Semitic Hate Crime – Here’s What I Say About Kansas

Published: mic (April 14, 2014) The shooting yesterday at a Jewish community center in Kansas City was more than tragic. It was un-American. This crime strikes a deep personal chord with me, not only because I have also been the victim of an anti-Semitic hate crime, but because its motivations fly in the face of our nation's most important and fundamental ideals. Its perpetrator, Frazier Glenn...

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10 Reasons Christmas Kicks Ass — By a Jew

Published: mic (December 16, 2013) In the name of full disclosure: I am Jewish, and I love Christmas. It's pretty hard not to. How can you not feel all warm and fuzzy inside during a holiday that encourages people to spend time with their loved ones, embrace a whole canon of fascinating holiday folk lore, and create beautiful works of art? That's why I always find it so strange to hear that...

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Anti-Semitic Bullying Almost Killed Me

Published: mic (November 11, 2013) While I’m no stranger to covering stories involving discrimination, this one was especially personal to me. In the aftermath of a New York Times story on a rash of anti-Semitic incidents in New York’s Pine Bush Central School District, Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced that he was directing the state police and Division of Human Rights to investigate any...

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Top 10 Signs You’re In Israel

Published: mic (August 1, 2013) co-author Tillie Adelson Before we were columnists at PolicyMic, Tillie Adelson and I were just ordinary Jewish twenty-somethings visiting Israel for the first time through Yael Adventures. Yael, or Birthright as it is better known, is a program that offers a free trip to the Jewish State for young Jews between the ages of 18 and 26 who have never been there...

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The Complicated Legacy Of Helen Thomas

Published: mic (July 20, 2013) How does an American political historian cope with the death of Helen Thomas? She was a pioneer for female journalists, an old-fashioned shoe-leather reporter, an astute observer of Washington's grimy, smarmy underbelly who had personally interrogated every president since John F. Kennedy. When Stephen Colbert used the third act of his legendary 2006 White House...

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Joe Biden Gaffe: VP’s Jewish Comments Were Not Anti-Semitic

Published: mic (May 25, 2013) While Joe Biden is notorious for his gaffes, his recent comments in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month should not be designated as such ... despite the outcry from some critics claiming otherwise. First, let's take a look at what he said: “The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to...

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Hugo Chavez’s Real Legacy is One of Vicious Anti-Semitism Against the Jews of Venezuela

Published: mic (March 10, 2013) To anyone who may doubt the appalling nature of the late Hugo Chavez's mistreatment of his nation's Jewish community, it's worth noting that communist dictators are generally a pretty vile bunch. As such, it should go without saying that when one Marxist authoritarian feels compelled to call out another one on a humanitarian flaw, decent people everywhere should...

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Movie Review for ‘Auschwitz’

Published: PolicyMic (June 28, 2012) As the closing credits started rolling on the new German documentary Auschwitz, I found myself thinking - of all things - of a line from the 2007 Pixar feature Ratatouille, one of my favorite movies: "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We...

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