Published: The Good Men Project (August 23, 2016) co-author Liskula Cohen 2016 has been an especially political year when it comes to the movies. It seems like each of the major presidential candidates has had a major cinematic release to accompany the themes of their campaign: The unapologetically feminist“Ghostbusters” is linked to the same cultural zeitgeist fueling Hillary Clinton’s...
Liskula Cohen
A First Amendment Pioneer’s Take on the Second Amendment (republished after the Orlando mass shooting)
Jun 12, 2016 | Civil Liberties, Gun Control, Liskula Cohen, mic
Published: GirlieGirlArmy (June 12, 2016, July 3, 2014) co-author: Liskula Cohen Editor's Note: This was republished because, at a time when the media is fanning the flames of Islamophobia, we need to remember that if it wasn't for our lax gun control laws and belligerent pro-gun culture, that mass shooter may have never had a firearm in the first place. I have, shall we say, an interesting...
“Eyeglasses can be fashionable too,” says Liskula Cohen
Sep 8, 2015 | Arts and Entertainment, Liskula Cohen
Published: The Good Men Project (September 8, 2015) Historically, eyeglasses have often been regarded as a fashion faux pas. My co-author for this article, Matthew Rozsa, recalls having to wear them his entire life – and can attest from firsthand experience that his thick-lenses and bulky frames played a major role in the “nerd” persona that he assumed through much of his early childhood (for...
Tips for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Dietary
May 16, 2015 | General Advice, Health & Wellness (Physical), Liskula Cohen
Published: Good Men Project (May 16, 2015) co-author: Liskula Cohen Liskula Cohen discusses the dietary changes she’s had to make as a result of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. On April 10th of this year, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This may seem like an unorthodox subject for a men’s website – after all, MS impacts two to three times more women than men. That said, there...
The Sentencing Gap: Why are Men More Likely to Go to Prison?
Mar 17, 2015 | Criminal Justice/Prison-Industrial Complex, Gender and Sexism, Liskula Cohen, mic
Published: Good Men Project (March 17, 2015) co-author Liskula Cohen Men are statistically more likely to go to prison than women for the same crime. Feminists and Men’s Rights Activists alike should be outraged. People forget that prisons aren’t always there to protect us; in fact, they often aren’t there to help us at all. When you have a primarily or entirely privatized penal system, prisons...
Why do we laugh at male body image issues?
Mar 14, 2015 | Gender and Sexism, Liskula Cohen, mic, Original Source
Why Are People So Upset Over ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’?
Mar 7, 2015 | Arts and Entertainment, Gender and Sexism, Liskula Cohen
Published: The Good Men Project (March 7, 2015) co-authored with Liskula Cohen This is an article by two people who haven't seen or read Fifty Shades of Grey. That's why---and we can't stress this enough---this is NOT a review of Fifty Shades of Grey. It is, instead, an attempt to understand the controversy from the perspective of two total outsiders (and written from Liskula Cohen's...
Dating with Asperger’s: A new documentary follows a lonely Aspie’s search for love
Mar 2, 2015 | Asperger's Syndrome, Autobiographical, Liskula Cohen, Love and Dating, mic, Original Source
Be a Good Guy, Not a Nice Guy: A Lesson From History
Jan 29, 2015 | History, Liskula Cohen, Love and Dating, mic
Published: Good Men Project (January 29, 2015) co-author: Liskula Cohen Liskula Cohen and Matthew Rozsa discuss the difference between being a nice guy and being a good one. ___ There is a difference between being a nice guy and being a good guy. It’s easy to forget this, especially as the cliché that “nice guys finish last” is reaching a fever pitch among Men’s Rights Activists and...
I Was A Cyberbullying Victim and I Am Reclaiming My Voice
Jan 2, 2015 | Bullying, Internet Culture, Liskula Cohen
Published: GirlieGirlArmy (January 2, 2015) co-author: Liskula Cohen This is the story of how I reclaimed my life. Unfortunately, to tell that tale, I need to first explain how my struggle started. Back in 2009, right as the nation’s attention was beginning to turn to the problem of cyberbullying, I was the subject of defamatory attacks by a 29-year-old Fashion...