
Love and Dating

How someone with autism views all your ridiculous dating habits

Published: Fusion (June 7, 2016) As someone with autism, I’ve often wondered if there’s anything I can do to make neurotypicals, the name for you folks in the non-autistic community, less unpredictable to myself. I pose this question not as an attack or criticism. It’s just that those of us with high-functioning autism—or Asperger’s Syndrome in my case—struggle every day with your seemingly...

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Satire: Some Quips on Unsolicited Dick Pics

Published: The Good Men Project (April 5, 2016) Every so often a deadline looms and I need a good peg for a story. Since I'm pretty spent with droning endlessly on about super-serious subjects, I figured I should address a somewhat more frivolous - albeit still disturbing - topic. So let's talk about the creeps who send unsolicited dick pics. Personally I never thought I would write that...

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Thanks for the Automated Valentine!

Published: The Good Men Project (February 13, 2016) First, I just want to add that I'm a big fan of Film Brain, the British movie critic whose web series "Bad Movie Beatdown" manages to intelligently deconstruct some of the worst motion pictures ever made. Since our Twitter conversation inspired this piece, I figured it would only be appropriate to preface this article with a gratitude plug. Now...

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Why We Need To Bring Back Crushes

Published: The Good Men Project (August 20, 2015) Let’s talk about crushes. I recently noticed that when adults discuss their romantic feelings, the term “crush” is almost never used. When it does appear, there is almost always an apologetic undertone to it – people will qualify their crushes with adjectives like “schoolboy” or “schoolgirl” (as in, “I have a bit of a schoolboy crush on you”), or...

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You Don’t Have To Like #MarriageEquality to See That It’s Right

Published: Good Men Project (June 27, 2015) Matt Rozsa dismisses the top three arguments against #MarriageEquality so everyone can embrace the change. ___ Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples throughout America have the right to get married, it’s time to confront the inevitable backlash that has already begun to erupt: From homophobes complaining that their civil liberties...

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Love Online, Love at First Sight, and Other Romances We Don’t Trust: An Interview with Dating Consultant Laura Gub

Published: Good Men Project (June 16, 2015) An interview with dating consultant Laura Gub on the kinds of love we’re least likely to trust. —- Last week the Internet was sent into a tizzy over news that actress Lark Voorhies, best known for her starring role in the ’90s sitcom “Saved by the Bell,” had married a man she’d known less than a year… and met on Facebook. Since then, Voorhies’ mother...

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3 Correctable Behaviors That Destroy Relationships

Published: Good Men Project (May 30, 2015) Matthew Rozsa identifies 3 things to stop doing if you want to give your relationship—romantic, platonic, familiar, et cetera—a chance. ___ Roughly four weeks ago, an ex-girlfriend of mine (with whom I had maintained a close friendship for the year-and-a-half since our break up) texted me that she wished I wasn’t always analyzing her. Considering that...

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Why We Should Stop Saying ‘Friend Zone’

Published: Good Men Project (May 28, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses the term “friend zone” – and why we should get rid of it. Since this article was inspired by a personal experience, it seems only fair that I open it with a confession: I have complained about being “friend zoned.” Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve done this, but I can’t say it hasn’t happened at all. Like most men, I have...

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The Relationship Lesson We Can All Learn From People Who Have Asperger’s

Published: Mic (May 4, 2015) "Love is the only game that is not called on account of darkness." This quote, a favorite on the Internet, may be referring to the dating habits of the general population. But as someone who's grown up with Asperger's Syndrome, I find the quip uniquely fitting for the autistic community. Dating on the spectrum involves more darkness than usual. But despite the...

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