
Original Source Matthewrozsa.com

“Gummo” is a masterpiece

Indie films are often criticized for being pretentious, and to be sure quite a few richly deserve that epithet. Yet there is a difference between going out of your way to seem "artsy" and actually having an authentic, offbeat way of using the medium of cinema to tell a compelling story and/or offer insightful social commentary. One of the reasons I love Harmony Korine is that the six movies he...

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“Halloween H20” is the worst film in the series, for one reason… its distracting plot holes.

"Halloween H20" is the worst film in the series, and for one reason… its distracting plot holes. If you've seen the first two "Halloween" movies, which were released in 1978 and 1980, I can't imagine why you're reading this article. They are staples of the American horror film genre, from John Carpenter's storytelling to Donald Pleasance's anchoring performance as the brilliant and heroic Dr....

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Why I Respect The Hell Out of Jim Carrey’s SNL Joe Biden impression

Jim Carrey channeling Ace Ventura when he plays Joe Biden is PERFECT. His critics are wrong. Why? It's simple: Laughter is cathartic, and Ventura/Biden taunting a fascist is objectively hilarious. If you can't see why, your funny bone is broken. I guarantee I'll convince you of that if you take five minutes to read this article. The main criticism of Carrey's Biden, as made by publications like...

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“Leprechaun 2” review

It's a shame that "Leprechaun 2" wasn't the first film in the series. People tend to assume that the first movie in a horror franchise should be considered the "main" one, with all of the sequels being lesser by default. Yet while I am a big fan of one of the "Leprechaun" sequels (namely, "Leprechaun 4: In Space"), I readily acknowledge that it feels like a cheap, gimmicky follow up rather than...

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“Pilgrim” review

Watching "Pilgrim" is a bit like reading a great scary short story... but one in which a few key pages are missing near the end. To be clear, there is much more about "Pilgrim" that I liked than not. It is masterful in its use of suspense to build tension and, when it does rely on gore and other horrifying imagery, it works within the narrative. Nothing here feel gratuitous. There is also a deep...

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“Jason Goes To Hell” is a mixed bag of a movie

"Freeze! Get the hell away from her, Ed!" The iconic slasher villain Jason Voorhees was, like Michael Myers from the "Halloween" series, defined in part by his silence. The first eight "Friday the 13th" films only showed him talking as a child, when he was drowning to death while camp counselors took busy having sex ignored his cries for help. Once he became a slasher villain, however, he became...

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“Friday the 13th: Part V” was the best franchise soft reboot that never happened

"Friday the 13th: A New Beginning" is perhaps the most obscure film in the classic "Friday the 13th" series. It does not deserve that fate for three reasons: (1) It contains some of the most interesting characters in the franchise, (2) It includes some of the most creative and viscerally horrifying death scenes and (3) It alone among the "Friday the 13th" sequels works well as a standalone film....

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What a 1992 episode of “Seinfeld” tells us about Trump and Nazism

I can't stop thinking about a Trump airplane that appears in the beginning of "The Limo," an episode in Season Three of the classic 1990s sitcom "Seinfeld." As the cliché goes, you might miss it if you blink, but it's there all right. After main character Jerry Seinfeld (Seinfeld) delivers an opening stand up comedy bit, but before we see him get picked up at a New York City airport by his...

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“Saw IV” symbolized everything wrong with the year 2007

Seeing "Saw IV" was a life-changing experience for me, and in all the wrong ways. For some nerds that movie is "Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace." For others it's "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" or "Man of Steel." You know what I mean. That movie that had you super pumped because it was expected to take a franchise you loved in an exciting new direction. Then you...

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“Saw VI” is not “torture porn”; it is peak social justice horror

If you're a leftist and a fan of no-holds-barred gory horror flicks, there is one movie that you should watch every Halloween: "Saw VI," one of the best satires of the American healthcare system ever released by a major Hollywood studio in a tentpole franchise. I am convinced it has been overlooked by critics solely because of its supposed status as "torture porn." I despise the term "torture...

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