I am a die-hard fan of Rod Serling's classic TV series "The Twilight Zone." From 1959 to 1964, the anthology of science fiction, fantasy, horror and other supernatural stories offered me escape. It did more than that: There is a political philosophy behind "The Twilight Zone" episodes, a decidedly left-wing opposition to racism (1964's "I Am The Night - Color Me Black"), to greed (1963's "Of...
Original Source Matthewrozsa.com
“Dagon” is one of the scariest movies ever made
Jun 27, 2020 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com
The only reason my title for this review describes "Dagon" as "one of the scariest movies ever made," instead of as "the scariest movie ever made," is because I haven't seen every film. It is certainly the scariest movie that I have watched. The little known 2001 cult classic is based on H. P. Lovecraft's 1931 novella "The Shadow over Innsmouth" and is directed by Stuart Gordon, who adapted...
“Shakes the Clown” is a smart comedy by Bobcat Goldthwait
Jun 27, 2020 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com, Uncategorized
Welcome to Matt and Nate’s matinee! Who are Matt and Nate? Well, if you aren’t able to figure out who “Matt” is right now — the guy with over 100 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes to date and whose website, matthewrozsa.com, hosts this review — than I can’t help you. As for Nate? Let’s just say that he is a local comedian in eastern Pennsylvania who shares my love of Yocco’s hot dogs, ukulele-based...
“Crawl” is the one that got away
Jun 27, 2020 | Original Source Matthewrozsa.com
I think everyone has at least one movie which initially made little impression on them, but then blew them away during a subsequent viewing. For me, that movie is the 2019 horror film "Crawl." I won't share the details of the night when I first saw it, but suffice to say that they were sufficiently miserable to put me in a sour mood. This didn't cause me to dislike the film, per se; I simply...

The Val Kilmer story I never got to write
Jun 18, 2020 | Arts and Entertainment, Original Source Matthewrozsa.com
There is a story that I never managed to get published in an article, even though it's one of the most memorable of my career. I've decided to plow through my latest bout of insomnia by sharing it here. Sneak preview: It's a Val Kilmer story. The tale is set in the summer of 2017. I was just beginning to integrate culture criticism into my writing repertoire and was thrilled when I learned...