Published: The Good Men Project (September 3, 2015) If Hillary Clinton doesn’t become the Democratic presidential nominee next year, who could replace her? Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that Hillary Clinton doesn’t run in the Democratic presidential primaries next year. There are plenty of reasons to assume that won’t happen: The FBI’s investigation into her private email may not yield...
Understanding (and Misunderstanding) Gay Rights
Sep 1, 2015 | Civil Liberties, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, mic, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: The Good Men Project (September 1, 2015) Matthew Rozsa deconstructs the dangerous logic being used by the anti-gay rights movement in America today. — Over the last week or so, there has been a growing problem with the logic of the anti-gay rights movement. Let’s see if this article from the right-wing blog InfoWars about Vester Lee Flanagan, the African-American gay man who shot two...
Quick Note: ‘Reverse Racism’ Doesn’t Exist
Aug 27, 2015 | Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Gender and Sexism, History, mic, Race and Racism
Published: The Good Men Project (August 27, 2015) When people talk about "reverse racism," they are describing a phenomenon that doesn't exist. This isn't to say that yesterday's shooting of two Virginia journalists wasn't motivated by prejudice. For that matter, even if perpetrator Bryce Williams was correct in claiming that he had experienced discrimination at the hands of his employers, he...
Donald Trump has blood on his hands: Why the nativist demogogue is the second coming of George Wallace
Aug 26, 2015 | Conservativism, Elections - Presidential (2016), Extremism, Immigration, mic, Original Source, Race and Racism, Republicans
Americans aren’t just putting in longer hours—we’re being forced to work until we die
Aug 26, 2015 | Class Issues, Economic Policy, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Original Source, Science and Technology
A Few Thoughts on Racist Tweets
Aug 18, 2015 | Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Gender and Sexism, mic, Original Source, Race and Racism, Religion and Religious Issues
Voters are already sick of the election—and it’s not just because of Trump
Aug 14, 2015 | Democrats, Elections - Other, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: The Daily Dot (August 14, 2015) Does anyone care that our election cycles are getting increasingly longer? If the Republican National Committee is to be believed, then the answer is no. Despitepledging at the beginning of the year to limit the number of presidential debates that it would allow during the 2016 election season, Nancy Reagan will be hosting yet another presidential...
“Cuckservatives” and Other Disgraces to Masculinity
Aug 11, 2015 | Conservativism, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Gender and Sexism, mic, Original Source, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Race and Racism, Republicans
Here’s the ‘outsider’ candidate Donald Trump voters should really be supporting
Aug 11, 2015 | Class Issues, Democrats, Economic Policy, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Original Source, Political Parties, Republicans
Trump’s 2016 Legacy
Aug 10, 2015 | Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Political Parties, Race and Racism, Republicans
Published: Question of the Day (August 10, 2015) Should Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy be taken seriously? In terms of whether or not he can get elected: Absolutely not. Even though polls currently show him in the lead against his fellow Republicans, his advantage is nowhere near large enough to be insurmountable. The most recent polls give him a lead of between 21 percent and 26 percent....