Published: Good Men Project (August 8, 2015) Matthew Rozsa explores the latest Twitter trend, #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs. — For the most part I’m not a big fan of Twitter. Any medium that attempts to condense the human experience into 140 characters is, in my opinion, more likely to water down meaningful self-expression than encourage it. Although my career makes Twitter use something of a...
The Sandra Bland lawsuit is a reminder that our criminal justice system is broken
Aug 6, 2015 | mic, Supreme Court and Other Judicial Issues
Published: Daily Dot (August 6, 2015) Sandra Bland’s family is looking for answers—following the 28-year-old’s untimely and mysterious death in a Texas jail cell—and they believe a lawsuit is their last best hope. While they believe it’s “possible” Bland took her own life, the family filed a federal suit this week to help provide closure in the case that’s taken social media by storm....
Whatever Happened To Honor?
Aug 6, 2015 | General Advice, mic, Original Source, Satirical Essays
Should Joe Biden run?
Aug 4, 2015 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Liberalism, mic, Original Source, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Vice President Biden
Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and the truth about politics in the Internet era
Aug 3, 2015 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Original Source, Political Parties, Republicans
Tribute: Rowdy Roddy Piper in ‘They Live’
Aug 1, 2015 | Arts and Entertainment, General Advice, mic
Published: Good Men Project (August 1, 2015) A tribute to wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, the star of one of Matthew Rozsa’s favorite movies, John Carpenter’s “They Live.” There is a YouTube video that pretty much any fan of ’80s action or science fiction movies ought to see. Edited together from clips of a TNT MonsterVision presentation of John Carpenter’s “They Live,” it contains footage of show...
Why Donald Trump doesn’t have the guts to really run for president
Jul 28, 2015 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Original Source, Political Parties, Republicans
What Bill Cosby Means for Hillary Clinton
Jul 27, 2015 | Democrats, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Gender and Sexism, Liberalism, mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties
Published: Good Men Project (July 25, 2015), Daily Dot (July 27, 2015) If the rape allegations against Bill Clinton are true, Hillary Clinton needs to get on them right now. What if America’s first female president was married to a sex offender? This is not a hypothetical question. A multitude of allegations against Clinton have appeared over the years. Among the most prominent: – Paula Jones,...
Why Huckabee’s ‘oven’ remarks won’t win Jewish votes
Jul 27, 2015 | Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Jewish Experiences, mic, Political Parties, Religion and Religious Issues, Republicans
Published: MSNBC (July 27, 2015) When Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee claimed last weekend that President Obama would ultimately “take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven,” the former Arkansas governor wasn’t being simply hyperbolic about the merits of the Iranian nuclear deal. He was banking on the idea that there is a rift between the Democratic president and...
The Importance of Vacations
Jul 21, 2015 | General Advice, Health & Wellness (Physical), mic
Published: Good Men Project (July 21, 2015) Matthew Rozsa explains why it’s so important to go on completely non-productive vacations. “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.” – Mark Twain When Twain penned those words, he was talking about finding a career that you enjoy so much it feels like play. In fact, Twain even wrote a line in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer with the...