Published: Daily Dot (July 20, 2015) In becoming our nation’s first female president, a Hillary Clinton presidency would be a milestone in American history. However, Clinton’s moment in the sun may never come: Hillary Clinton will never become the progressive that many of her supporters would like her to be, and this fact may create serious problems for her candidacy. During Netroots Nation, a...
Obama’s low-income broadband initiative could change the lives of millions of Americans
Jul 16, 2015 | Class Issues, Economic Policy, Liberalism, mic, Political Ideologies, President Obama
Published: Daily Dot (July 16, 2015) If equality of opportunity is to be a reality in this country, we need to recognize that it is impossible for anyone to be competitive in our modern economy without access to the Internet. That’s why President Obama’s new program to subsidize broadband for low-income families is such an encouraging step forward in addressing the systemic problems of millions...
A Plain-English Explanation of How Greece Got Into Its Debt Debacle
Jul 13, 2015 | Economic Policy, History, mic, World Affairs
Published: Question of the Day (July 13, 2015) Greece’s years-long debt crisis has finally come to a head this summer. Though Greece looks like it'll get its third bailout in five years, the Greeks were very much on the brink for the last few weeks, and very close to being kicked out of the eurozone over the last few days. The Greek debt crisis seems like a never-ending tragedy, a story that...
Bernie Sanders has a troubled record on gun control (but the NRA still hates him)
Jul 9, 2015 | Conservativism, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), Extremism, Gun Control, mic, Original Source, Political Ideologies
Hillary Clinton, unpaid internships, and the culture of exploiting young workers
Jul 9, 2015 | Class Issues, Education, Elections, Elections - Presidential (2016), mic, Millennials
Published: Daily Dot (July 9, 2015) Although Hillary Clinton has proposed a series of programs for reducing youth unemployment, she has also come under fire on the Internet for staffing her presidential campaign with unpaid interns. In response, Clinton announced on Tuesday that she was hiring 20 paid staffers in Iowa (the first state to hold a presidential primary or caucus next year). But, as...
The ‘Paranoid Style’ of Alex Jones: Why the right-wing ‘Jade Helm’ insanity won’t go away – and why that’s extremely scary
Jul 8, 2015 | Conservativism, Conspiracy Theories, Extremism, mic, Original Source, Political Ideologies, President Obama, Race and Racism
2 Ways We Need to Redefine ‘Masculinity’ in American Foreign Policy
Jul 7, 2015 | Bullying, Foreign Policy, Gender and Sexism, mic, Military-Industrial Complex/Security State
Published: Good Men Project (July 7, 2015) American foreign policy has long been governed by ideas of masculinity. Now it’s time to evaluate what that has meant for our nation – and how we should redefine “masculinity” in the future. Why do we equate “masculinity” with “aggressiveness” when conducting our foreign policy? “In the aftermath of September 11 Bush enacted a highly masculine...
Debunking the 3 biggest myths about the death penalty
Jul 6, 2015 | Criminal Justice/Prison-Industrial Complex, Death Penalty, mic, Original Source, Science and Technology, Supreme Court and Other Judicial Issues
Why I’m Sick of Superhero Movies
Jul 4, 2015 | Arts and Entertainment, General Advice, mic
Published: Good Men Project (July 4, 2015) Matthew Rozsa has one thing to say about superhero movies: Enough! To celebrate this 4th of July, let’s talk about one of the most American art forms out there: the superhero movie. “There’s only so many uniquely American art forms—Broadway musicals, abstract expressionism, jazz,” explained Michael Kantor in an interview for about a PBS...
Life on the Spectrum: Time and Chance in All
Jul 3, 2015 | Asperger's Syndrome, Autobiographical, General Advice, mic
Published: Asperger's 101 (July 3, 2015) As I explained in an editorial for Mic (which I wrote in December 2012, when Asperger’s Syndrome entered the national conversation after unconfirmed rumors circulated that Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter, had been diagnosed with it): Experts have found that communication is only one-third verbal, with the two-thirds that are...