

Why the government ignored a terrifying report that predicted the Charleston shooting

Published: Daily Dot (July 2, 2015) It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Morris Gulett, the leader of a white supremacist religious group that vows to fight to “safeguard the existence of our race, the purity of our blood and the sustenance of our children,” recently expressed support for Dylann Roof, the 21-year-old white supremacist who shot nine people at a black church in Charleston, South...

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A Quote Collector’s Thoughts on Economic Conservatism

Published: Good Men Project (July 2, 2015) Matthew Rozsa loves quotes. And he disagrees with economic conservatives. Here’s where he’s going with that. — “I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is my own.” – John Bartlett, publisher and editor of “Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations” Some men collect baseball cards. Others collect comic books. I...

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You Don’t Have To Like #MarriageEquality to See That It’s Right

Published: Good Men Project (June 27, 2015) Matt Rozsa dismisses the top three arguments against #MarriageEquality so everyone can embrace the change. ___ Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex couples throughout America have the right to get married, it’s time to confront the inevitable backlash that has already begun to erupt: From homophobes complaining that their civil liberties...

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Confessions of a (Diet) Cokehead

Published: Good Men Project (June 25, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses his love of soft drinks… and how he was tricked into believing they were safe. — Until recently I’d never seen Coca-Cola’s iconic “Hilltop” ad… but then again, I didn’t need to. I’ve always considered the sensation of having an ice cold drink slide down your throat to be one of life’s greatest simple pleasures, and among...

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Dylann Roof isn’t mentally ill – he’s a terrorist

Published: Daily Dot (June 22, 2015) Why do we insist on claiming that Dylann Roof was mentally ill? In a recent segment on Fox News, the outlet blamed Roof’s actions on a “troubled past,” arguing that mental illness tends to be “swept under the rug” in these cases, but the exact true is opposite: We tend to use mental illness in place of a more troubling reality—Dylann Roof was a terrorist. “We...

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The 4 worst things about Jeb Bush’s campaign announcement

Published: Daily Dot (June 16, 2015) If Jeb Bush is elected to the presidency in 2016, his victory will officially transformed the Bushes into the most successful political dynasty in American history. Never has a single direct family line produced three presidents (the Adamses, Harrisons, and Roosevelts each yielded only two), and polls have consistently found that grassroots Republicans are as...

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“Why we need to remember Kalief Browder

Published: Daily Dot (June 9, 2015) Note: This article discusses themes of suicide and police abuse. On Sunday, Kalief Browder took his own life. You may have first heard about Kalief Browder last April, after the New Yorker obtained exclusive footage of the then teenager being beaten by prison guards and fellow inmates during his three-year stay in prison. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the...

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