

Emperor Vespasian and the Art of Making Choices

Published: Good Men Project (April 30, 2015) Matthew Rozsa shares a brief story from Roman history to teach a life lesson. ___ Whenever I discover an anecdote from ancient history that offers a clear lesson for the present, my inner history nerd rejoices at the opportunity to share my latest find with anyone who might offer me their attention. Much as you, dear reader, are doing right now. Which...

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5 ways to fix America’s crippling student debt problem

Published: Daily Dot (April 28, 2015) Back in 2011, Occupy Wall Street swept America due in large part to its members’ savvy use of social media (one professor of journalism even referred to the movement as a “hashtag revolt”). While no catchy Twitter slogan has yet been created for the student loan reform movement, the Internet is warming up to the cause in a similar fashion. “The federal...

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5 reasons Marco Rubio will never be elected president

Published: Daily Dot (April 28, 2015) If the recent polls are to be believed, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is all but guaranteed to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2016. The Hill, a prominent Beltway blog, reports that Rubio is besting his Republican challengers in two different early polls, one from Fox News and the other from Quinnipac University. According to Fox, 13 percent of...

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The Plight of the Basement Dweller

Published: Good Men Project (April 21, 2015) Basement dwellers. Trolls. We’re all familiar with this personality type: Matthew Rozsa offers an explanation as to why they exist in the first place. ___ “Cellar dwellers.” That was the expression that my friend’s husband used when referring to the trolls who posted misogynistic comments under her latest article. After laughing at the generation gap...

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Why Joss Whedon Was Right About Sexism in the “Jurassic World” Trailer

Published: Good Men Project (April 18, 2015) It’s admirable that Joss Whedon doesn’t want to criticize other artists, but he wasn’t wrong in his observation about “Jurassic World.” ___ During an interview with Variety at the premiere for The Avengers: Age of Ultron, director Joss Whedon was asked about his recent criticism of an allegedly sexist clip from Jurassic World. His response was...

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The real problem with Jeb Bush’s voter registration scandal

Published: Daily Dot (April 7, 2015) According to a New York Times report published on Monday, Jeb Bush identified himself as a “Hispanic” on voter registration form in 2009. In response to this story, Bush tweeted: https://twitter.com/JebBush/status/585091719550656512?ref_src=twsrc^tfw It is possible that Bush will emerge from this debacle unscathed. The same cannot be said, however, of the...

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8 potential candidates who are ready to be Hillary’s running mate

Published: Daily Dot (April 16, 2015) “I am Vice President. In this I am nothing, but I may be everything.” Much has changed since America’s first vice president, John Adams, offered that observation about the “insignificant” position which “my country has in its wisdom contrived for me.” Since Adams' statement about his own irrelevancy, the power of the office itself has grown considerably...

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Confessions of a Non-Driver

Published: Good Men Project (April 16, 2015) Matthew Rozsa shares his experiences as someone who can’t drive. ___ I’m not sure if being unable to drive is a net positive or negative, but I do know that it’s worth writing about. To clarify: When I say “unable to drive” I don’t mean that I have temporarily lost my license or had it suspended. I’ve always had lousy eye-hand coordination, and a...

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Stop Being Flaky!

Published: Good Men Project (April 11, 2015) Millennials need to stop being flaky. There is no excuse for this generational habit. Listen, I’m not one of those writers who constantly trashes the younger generation. I even wrote an article defending millennials for being opinionated – and to the anonymous journalist whose diatribe inspired that piece, let it be known that I stand by every word I...

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