

The case for reparations in Greece

Published: Daily Dot (April 9, 2015) Last month, the “Digital Economy and Society Index” determined that Greece ranked close-to-last among European Union nations in keeping up with the progress of the digital revolution. This is hardly surprising, considering how far behind that nation lags in so many other metrics, but it is telling here for one reason: If the Greek public was better connected...

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The Rand Revolution is already here

Published: MSNBC (April 8, 2015) Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul doesn’t need to win the presidency to revolutionize the Republican Party. He just needs to get nominated. More than fifty years have passed since the GOP chose a non-establishment candidate to lead its national ticket. Even when their base could only muster tepid enthusiasm for its standard-bearer (see Mitt Romney), the primaries have had...

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How Elizabeth Warren’s plan to expand Social Security could win the Internet

Published: Daily Dot (April 6, 2015) If Elizabeth Warren has her way on expanding Social Security, Americans might learn a valuable lesson—namely, that you can be a political game-changer without running for president. Perhaps more importantly, if supporters of Social Security expansion utilize the Internet to its fullest potential, they could fundamentally transform not only one of America’s...

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In Defense of Being Opinionated

Published: Good Men Project (April 2, 2015), Daily Dot (April 6, 2015) Is it entitled for millennials to believe their opinions matter? Matthew Rozsa argues: No. ___ Writers tend to be argumentative creatures (it’s part of our opinionated personality type), and consequently some of my most memorable debates have been with other practitioners of my craft. Such was the case a couple months ago...

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A Great Cosmic Joke: The Hilarious Human Body

Published: Good Men Project (March 31, 2015) Human beings are clumsy, hairless monkeys obsessed with looking beautiful. How is that not funny? ___ For as long as I can remember, I have found the emotion of awkwardness to be endlessly amusing. It’s why I enjoy TV shows like “Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job,” so-bad-they’re-good movies like “Troll 2,” and reciting anecdotes from the Darwin...

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It’s Time for Civil Disobedience in Indiana

Published: Good Men Project (March 30, 2015) It is time to bring the nonviolent protests of the 1960s civil rights movement to anti-gay Indiana. I don’t live in Indiana, and because I don’t own a car, there is little chance I’ll be visiting anytime soon. Nevertheless, like most decent people, I am horrified by Indiana’s recent so-called “religious freedom” bill that would allow businesses to...

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It’s time to kill the PATRIOT Act

Published: Daily Dot (March 26, 2015) It’s doubtful that the PATRIOT Act will be repealed in this legislative session, but make no mistake about it: Dispensing with this bill, one of the more pernicious legacies of the post-9/11 erosion of American civil liberties, is long overdue. First, here's an introduction to the measure that could theoretically pull this off: the Surveillance State Repeal...

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The Sentencing Gap: Why are Men More Likely to Go to Prison?

Published: Good Men Project (March 17, 2015) co-author Liskula Cohen Men are statistically more likely to go to prison than women for the same crime. Feminists and Men’s Rights Activists alike should be outraged. People forget that prisons aren’t always there to protect us; in fact, they often aren’t there to help us at all. When you have a primarily or entirely privatized penal system, prisons...

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Why Michael Brown’s parents are suing Ferguson for justice

Published: Daily Dot (March 6, 2015) Michael Brown's parents announced this week that they are planning on filing a civil wrongful death lawsuit over their son's death “very shortly.” Coming on the heels of the ongoing lawsuit against New York City by Eric Garner’s family, it’s easy to inaccurately characterize this story as a symptom of our nation’s allegedly lawsuit-happy society (although...

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