Published: Good Men Project (March 5, 2015) Matthew Rozsa holds conspiracy theorists to the same standard of skepticism that they claim to use. ___ Maybe it was my mistake. After all, what kind of person expects to hear intelligent political analysis from two drunks in an alley? Granted, it was the alley adjacent to my house, and while I was nowhere near as inebriated as my two new...
Why teens are joining ISIS
Mar 3, 2015 | mic, Millennials, Religion and Religious Issues, Terrorism
Published: Daily Dot (March 3, 2015) A New York Times article published last week drew attention to the growing trend among affluent, intelligent, and socially well-adjusted young women joining ISIS or other Islamic terrorist organizations. This phenomenon struck the Grey Lady as particularly curious because, as a lawyer for the families of one of the girls put it: “It is those young people who...
Dating with Asperger’s: A new documentary follows a lonely Aspie’s search for love
Mar 2, 2015 | Asperger's Syndrome, Autobiographical, Liskula Cohen, Love and Dating, mic, Original Source
Why old white Republicans keep mansplaining women’s vaginas
Feb 25, 2015 | Conservativism, Gender and Sexism, mic, Political Ideologies, Political Parties, Republicans
Published: Daily Dot (February 25, 2015) When yet another old white man nationally embarrasses himself with his ignorance about how women’s bodies work, it isn’t enough to hold them up for richly deserved derision, as the Internet is wont to do. We must also learn a very important lesson: namely, that their poor understanding of experiences outside their own frame-of-reference demonstrates why...
What John Oliver doesn’t understand about America’s justice system
Feb 24, 2015 | Elections, Elections - Other, mic, Supreme Court and Other Judicial Issues
Published: Daily Dot (February 24, 2015) John Oliver’s eloquent rant about corruption from this weekend’s edition Last Week Tonight about the American judiciary has been going viral since the show aired Sunday night. “What he revealed was truly disturbing,” wrote Sarah Gray of Salon. Forrest Wickman of Slate echoed this sentiment, observing that “as a British immigrant, John Oliver has often...
The biggest problem with virtual reality is us
Feb 23, 2015 | mic, Science and Technology
Published: Daily Dot (February 23, 2015) Are we approaching the dawn of the virtual reality age? “You’re looking at the future,” declared Chris Cox, the chief product officer at Oculus VR, in reference to his company’s virtual reality headset being purchased by Facebook, “and it’s going to be awesome.” Recent reports indicate that the company is developing its own virtual reality version of the...
When They Laughed at Rape…
Feb 19, 2015 | Autobiographical, Gender and Sexism, Internet Culture, mic, Original Source
Anti-vaxxers shouldn’t use my autism to justify their bad choices
Feb 18, 2015 | Asperger's Syndrome, Conspiracy Theories, Health & Wellness (Physical), mic, Science and Technology
Published: Quartz (February 18, 2015) I still remember the first article I ever wrote about growing up with Asperger’s Syndrome. It was compelled (I’m reluctant to say inspired) by some of the controversial reports that circulated after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting claiming gunman Adam Lanza had an autism spectrum disorder. Two years later, confusion and misinformation about autism...
Maturity: Learning It’s Not About You
Feb 14, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, mic
Published: Good Men Project (February 14, 2015) Matthew Rozsa discusses three ways in which being mature can be reduced to a single lesson: It isn’t about you. Everything you need to know about maturity can be boiled down to one lesson: It’s not about you. I’d like to claim credit for this realization, but the accolades belong to my close friend Rosalia. A valuable sounding board if there ever...
Don’t blame atheists for the Chapel Hill shootings
Feb 12, 2015 | Gun Control, mic, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: Daily Dot (February 12, 2015) The Chapel Hill shootings are a wake-up call for American atheists. Although there is still uncertainty about Craig Stephen Hicks’ motives for murdering three Muslim students at the University of North Carolina, much attention has been drawn to his outspoken atheism. “The man’s bigotry clearly had a role in this, and the source of that bigotry was...