Why the Internet isn’t afraid of the flu epidemic
Jan 3, 2015 | Health & Wellness (Physical), Internet Culture, mic, Science and Technology
Published: Daily Dot (January 3, 2015) I don’t need to remind you about the so-called “epidemic” that reached America’s doorstep in 2014. From a ‘90s thriller to a Jesse Pinkman monologue, everyone knew about the dreaded Ebola virus before it reached our shores, but it wasn’t until last year that we became existentially afraid of it. The disease we should be actually scared of is the one that...
My Life in Review: The People Who Changed Me
Dec 31, 2014 | Autobiographical, General Advice, mic, Original Source Salon.com
Why Facebook makes you think the world is ending
Dec 29, 2014 | Internet Culture, mic, Science and Technology
Published: Daily Dot (December 29, 2014) Back in October, a Fox News article on apocalyptic belief systems by Dr. Robert Jeffress observed that “47 percent of American Christians believe that the end of the world as described in the Bible will occur within the next 40 years.” Around the same time—but, notably, on the opposite side of the ideological spectrum—Roger Cohen of the New York Times...
‘The Interview’ Has A Smart Argument That Deserves Respect
Dec 28, 2014 | Conservativism, mic, Political Ideologies, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: Good Men Project (December 28, 2014), The Daily Dot (December 30, 2014) The Interview has been getting a lot of sympathy but, from a critical standpoint, not a great deal of respect. After seeing the film twice, I find this attitude a tad dismaying. For those who haven’t seen the movie and wish to watch it with a fresh set of eyes, there are two things you should know: 1) At its core,...
The ‘War on Christmas’ isn’t real – but these 6 Yuletide controversies are
Dec 25, 2014 | Conservativism, mic, Political Ideologies, Religion and Religious Issues
Published: Daily Dot (December 25, 2014) The nativity, whether on a church lawn or brazenly displayed at City Hall, is a fixture of American Christmases—as is, of course, controversy. While arguments over nativity scenes trend toward questions of the separation between church and state, nativity scenes gone wrong run the span from bizarre, to funny, to actively offensive. It's not a War on...
A Call To Dispense With Our Culture of Fear
Dec 23, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Civil Liberties, Foreign Policy, mic, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: Good Men Project (December 23, 2014) Matthew Rozsa offers three suggestions to protect both the police and the communities that fear them and calls for both groups to demand that politicians enact them. ___ Believe it or not, Michael Brown and Eric Garner share one very important quality with the pair of NYPD officers who were brutally slain earlier this week: Both of them live in a...
Stop criticizing ‘The Interview’ for killing Kim Jong-un’
Dec 22, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Civil Liberties, Foreign Policy, mic, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: Daily Dot (December 22, 2014) Say what you will about The Interview, but let’s abandon the notion that the filmmakers were wrong for their fictionalized depiction of Kim Jong-un’s death. The reason is simple: It is healthy to assert that Kim Jong-un deserves to die. Kim Jong-un is not just some interchangeable foreign leader. This is a point critics, like Justin Moyer of the...
Does Sony’s Fear Know No Bounds?
Dec 19, 2014 | Arts and Entertainment, Civil Liberties, Foreign Policy, mic, Terrorism, World Affairs
Published: Good Men Project (December 19, 2014) Matthew Rozsa is mad as hell that Sony pulled ‘The Interview.’ But he’s equally horrified by the company’s racist attitudes. ___ If North Korea has shown the world anything, it is that the executives at Sony are abject cowards. This may sound rough, but it needs to be said. And since I’ve already expounded at length upon the free speech issue...
7 things Americans think are more plausible than global warming
Dec 18, 2014 | Climate Change and Other Environmental Issues, mic, Original Source Salon.com, Satirical Essays