

3 Reasons Obama’s Immigration Order Will Prove The Haters Wrong

Published: Daily Dot (November 26, 2014) Last week, presidential historian Douglas Brinkley boldly claimed that Barack Obama’s executive order on immigration would cause him to be remembered as “a folk hero to Latino Americans.” While I can’t speak for the collective cultural memory of another ethnic group, Brinkley is right about one thing—President Obama has put himself on the right side of...

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Stop comparing the Ferguson riots to the O. J. case

Published: Daily Dot (November 26, 2014) The Internet has the potential to communicate empathy unlike any other form of media in history. Unfortunately, as much of the online response to the Michael Brown shooting and Ferguson riots makes clear, it can also push us in the opposite direction. In a recent article on the role of online activism in mobilizing African-Americans against racial...

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Why can’t America control its gun violence epidemic?

Published: Daily Dot (November 25, 2014) co-author: Liskula Cohen         There were at least 12 school shootings since December 2012, from Newtown, Conn., to Marysville, Wash. Last week’s attack on Florida State University has made that number even larger. The American fear of guns is real and justifiable. Although I’m best known as a former model, I’m writing about this...

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Why the Bill Clinton Rape Allegations Still Matter

Published: Daily Dot (November 24, 2014) As the number of rape allegations against Bill Cosby continues to rise, many conservative pundits are criticizing progressives for ignoring the sketchy sexual history of one of the Democratic Party’s greatest living icons: former President Bill Clinton. “When it comes to these kinds of allegations some powerful men like Bill Cosby are taunted and hunted,...

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3 Reasons I’m Not #ReadyForHillary Just Yet

Published: Daily Dot (November 20, 2014) As a progressive millennial who actively volunteered for and supported Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries, I am ready to make public an opinion I’ve only expressed in private until now: In retrospect, I wish we’d nominated Hillary Clinton. This statement isn’t intended as a slight against Obama (who I actually ranked pretty highly...

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Why no one noticed when a male TV host where the same suit every day for a year

Published: Daily Dot (November 19, 2014) If you’ve been following the news over the past few days, you’ve probably heard about recent social experiment from Karl Stefanovic. After witnessing the constant nitpicking and harassment experienced by his female co-host, Lisa Wilkinson, the Australian TV personality decided to test how both the network and ordinary viewers would react if he wore the...

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5 Reasons Obama Is A Better President Than You Think

Published: Daily Dot (November 12, 2014) Supporters of President Obama can rest easy: His legacy as one of America’s greatest presidents remains intact, even if the tide of public and Internet sentiments has turned. (His approval rating stands at a paltry 39 percent.) As the president works to fight for net neutrality, it's time to celebrate his biggest accomplishments. Despite the worst midterm...

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Why Sexist Attacks on Hillary Clinton Won’t Fly On The Internet

Published: Daily Dot (November 12, 2014) Six years ago, sexism in the media was instrumental in denying Hillary Clinton the Democratic presidential nomination. Thanks to the growth of online feminism, however, the media may be her salvation in 2016. In an interview with Politico on Monday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) took a nervy swipe at Hillary Clinton’s age by commenting that a presidential...

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