

These Are The TV Characters Getting Asperger’s Wrong, From Someone Who Has It

Published: mic (April 10, 2014) When I was first diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of 14, Asperger's was barely on the public radar. One of my earliest experiences discussing the condition with others was having them make vulgar puns about the name. To say the least, the last 15 years have seen a remarkable change in public awareness. Not only is Asperger's syndrome as commonly known...

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Jenny McCarthy Wants to Save Me From My Autism, But She Just Doesn’t Get It

Published: mic (April 2, 2014) I have something uniquely in common with several million other Americans: I'm autistic. At a time when Jenny McCarthy is spearheading a dangerous movement that blames my condition on vaccines — a myth dispelled by WebMD here — I am naturally sensitive to any mention of autism in the news, of which there have been a lot lately, especially when it's discussed as if...

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Why Even Some Liberals and Independents Are Refusing to Sign Up For Obamacare

Published: mic (March 31, 2014) The Obamacare deadline is Monday, and a flurry of reports, headlines and talking heads are weighing in its success or failure. But sometimes politics cannot be understood without a human touch. One of the most devastating aspects of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) implementation, flying under the radar, is the unwillingness of Republican-led states to accept the...

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Which Famous President Is Just Like You? Take the Quiz

Published: mic (March 24, 2014) We all probably have a favorite president or two, but which of them is most like you in their beliefs? Not every president is included (sorry Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt), but this quick quiz should help you discover which of our many leaders is a kindred spirit. The points have nothing to do with whether one is "winning" or "losing," just add them up...

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11 Quirky Things You Never Knew About America’s Presidents

Published: mic (March 18, 2014) It's easy to recite well-known presidential trivia — Washington was our first president, Cleveland was the only president to serve nonconsecutive terms, etc. — but do you know the quirkier facts? As an American history aficionado, it was hard for me to pick favorites from among the countless "quirky" presidential factoids. But ... 1. Only one president had to...

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The Creator of Westboro Baptist Used to Be a Die-Hard Civil Rights Fighter – What Happened?

Published: mic (March 16, 2014) Reverend Fred Phelps, the founder of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church, is reportedly "on the edge of death" at a hospice in Kansas. In case your memory needs refreshing, Phelps is best known for organizing protests at the funerals of anti-LGBT hate crime victims, soldiers, and celebrities under the slogan "God Hates Fags." He also used to be a champion of...

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Obama’s FunnyOrDie Sketch Proves There Are Other Ways To Push Ideas In Beyond Fear And Anger

Published: mic (March 11, 2014) If you haven't seen President Obama's appearance on "Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis," stop everything you're doing and watch it now. There is a lesson to be learned from this video: Fear and anger aren't the only effective methods for spreading a political message. Obama's right-wing opponents have spent the bulk of his presidency trying to destroy him...

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Rand Paul and Libertarians Are Looking More and More Like the Future Of the Republican Party

Published: mic (March 9, 2014) The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has held its annual straw poll. For the second year in a row, the winner was Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. What does his victory mean? What does it tell us about the future of the Republican Party? Here are the four things you need to know: 1. This is a great day for Rand Paul. This is the fourth year out...

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