

“J. P. Morgan Exec Explains How To Survive College in Epic Company-Wide Email”

Published: mic (January 9, 2014) an introduction to an article written by Michael Cembalest As one of the "liberal professors" alluded to in the following email from JPMorgan executive Michael Cembalest to the company's clients, it may seem ironic for me to compose the introduction to this article. That said, at a time when too many millennials feel overwhelmed by the challenges of Great...

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Freakout Over Gay Marriage in Utah Resurrects Ghosts From America’s Past

Published: mic (January 7, 2014) In light of the Supreme Court's recent decision to temporarily halt gay marriages in Utah, it's time to take a closer look at some of the most common anti-LGBT arguments. After all, the Mormon Church been conspicuously active in anti-gay marriage movements (most notably by passing Proposition 8 in California,) while Utah has long been ranked as one of America's...

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Why All Americans Must Unite Behind Rand Paul’s Anti-NSA Lawsuit

Published: mic (January 4, 2014) Liberals, conservatives, and libertarians unite! If ever there was a time for us to see past our differences in the name of a common cause, that time is now. As Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced last night, a movement is afoot for a class action lawsuit against the federal government over the National Security Agency's decision to spy on millions of American...

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If You Believed the “37 Dead in Marijuana Overdose” Hoax, You Should Be Ashamed

Published: mic (January 4, 2014) You may have already seen this headline all over social media: "Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37 in Colorado On First Day of Legalization" Already Twitter and Facebook feeds are abuzz with this news item, as right-wingers purr with delight at the opportunity to tweak their left-wing and libertarian friends with proclamations of "I told you so!" Upon further...

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Listen To Kanye and 6 Other Resolutions Obama Needs To Regain His Mojo

Published: mic (December 31, 2013) In the final press conference before 2014, President Obama refused to acknowledge that 2013 was the worst year of his presidency. While it wouldn't be realistic to expect a president to admit that he's dropped the proverbial ball, one can only hope that Obama isn't buying his own spin. If he truly wants 2014 to be the "breakthrough year" that he promised, he...

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Watch the North Pole Lose More Than Half Its Ice in 40 Seconds

Published: mic (December 23, 2013) Millions of people have been tricked into believing a terrible myth that's endangering Santa Claus' very livelihood. Those doing the tricking stand to make a lot of money from this fiction and promote it in the most devious and unscrupulous ways imaginable. I refer, of course, to the movement that denies global warming, and see nothing wrong with rapidly...

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Netflix Mitt Romney Documentary Shows Never-Before Seen Human Side

Published: mic (December 19, 2013) The official trailer for Mitt, a new documentary chronicling former Governor Mitt Romney's six-year campaign for the American presidency, is utterly tantalizing. It is a rare, up-close look at the erstwhile candidate in his natural habitat of campaign rallies, debate stages, and awkward photo ops. In it, the Mitt displays an astounding amount of surprise upon...

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Brian Boitano Gay: Queue the South Park Ballad!

Published: mic (December 19, 2013) By coming out as gay shortly after being appointed to the U.S. delegation to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games, male figure skating champion Brian Boitano is not only standing up to the oppressive homophobic policies enforced today by host country Russia. He is also putting Trey Parker and Matt Stone to shame. Think about it: If you're like me, South Park:...

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10 Reasons Christmas Kicks Ass — By a Jew

Published: mic (December 16, 2013) In the name of full disclosure: I am Jewish, and I love Christmas. It's pretty hard not to. How can you not feel all warm and fuzzy inside during a holiday that encourages people to spend time with their loved ones, embrace a whole canon of fascinating holiday folk lore, and create beautiful works of art? That's why I always find it so strange to hear that...

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Forget TIME Magazine — Pope Francis is This Liberal Infidel’s Person Of the Year

Published: mic (December 11, 2013) Even as Pope Francis is honored as TIME Magazine's Person of the Year on Wednesday, we should remember how conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Fox News editor Adam Shaw have denounced the perceived liberal love for the new pontiff. While the individual leftists who have praised specific papal policies can speak for themselves, I figured it was time for a much...

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