

How the Conservative Way Of Thinking Got America Into a Really Big Mess

Published: mic (October 16, 2013) The Senate has presented its bipartisan bill to end the government shutdown and avert a debt default. With the fate of America's financial future now resting in the hands of right-wing firebrands, it is perhaps appropriate to remember the words of Edmund Burke, the 18th century British statesman widely regarded as one of the great paladins of conservative...

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The Disturbing Trend in America We’re Not Talking About — Elder Abuse

Published: mic (October 15, 2013) Co-authored by Ariel Gordon Elder abuse may not be making national headlines, but it ought to be. In Mercer County, Penn., a woman was dropped off starving and emaciated because her grandson spent $86,000 of her money on drugs and personal amenities. Across the country in Oregon, four elderly plaintiffs are in the process of suing a retirement community for...

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The Government Shutdown Has Created a New Word: Snollygosters

Published: mic (October 10, 2013) Before you ask, I present the definition of "snollygoster," courtesy of TheFreeDictionary.com: One, especially a politician, who is guided by personal advantage rather than by consistent, respectable principles. While not born of this crisis, snollygoster is an antique in the American political lexicon, tracing as far back as the 1840s and allegedly inspired by...

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Memo to Ron Paul and Glenn Beck: America’s Founders Were Not Anti-Government

Originally Published: PolicyMic (March 8, 2012) Republished on PolicyMic (October 2, 2013) as "Government Shutdown Question: Would the Founding Fathers Fight Liberalism?" Editor's Note:Although this article was originally published on March 8, 2012, we felt it would be valuable to offer the perspective of a PhD student in history on the ideological debate accompanying the current government...

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Government Shutdown: What Would Lincoln Say?

Published: mic (October 1, 2013) It would be nice if Republicans would occasionally listen to the words of their party's first president. Abraham Lincoln, February 27, 1860: "Under all these circumstances, do you really feel yourselves justified to break up this Government unless such a court decision as yours is, shall be at once submitted to as a conclusive and final rule of political action?...

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This Tiny Corner Of America Can Predict If Democrats Will Win In the Next Election

Published: mic (September 30, 2013) While it’s easy enough to talk about politics in terms of any given immediate cycle, Democrats should always try to keep the big picture in mind by asking themselves the most important question: How can we win the next election, the election after that, and other elections into the future? The answer, I believe, can be found in the Lehigh Valley. In my 16...

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Ted Cruz’s 21-Hour Senate Speech Was Full Of a Lot Of Hot Air

Published: mic (September 25, 2013) After 21 hours of orating, Senator Ted Cruz's one-man jeremiad against Obamacare has officially come to an end. What in the world are we to make of it? Certainly the punditocracy has not come up short on feedback. Top Republicans are livid at Cruz for what they perceive to be his grandstanding, even going so far as to send research to Fox News correspondent...

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What This 1898 War Can Teach Obama Today About Syria

Published: mic (September 13, 2013) Political insight can come from the darndest places. On this occasion, inspiration struck me in the midst of insomnia-induced light reading. My nocturnal literary companion, Kristin L. Hoganson's classic historical monograph Fighting for American Manhood, was discussing the various ways in which Victorian ideals on masculinity influenced America's imperialist...

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Why Indie Films Are the Blockbusters Of the Future

Published: mic (September 12, 2013) Every so often there is a silver lining to bad news, and this silver lining in particular should resonate with independent filmmakers. As a recent New York Times headline blared: "Huge Summer for Hollywood, but With Few Blockbusters." What followed was a piece reviewing the "darker realities" behind Hollywood's seemingly "blockbuster" summer, which despite a...

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War in Syria Feeds the Military Industrial Complex — I Wish Ike Were Here

Published: mic (September 11, 2013) While it's a tad unorthodox to opean a political op-ed with two historical quotes, this pair strikes me as particularly prescient: 1. "They [the Union of states] will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican...

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