

3 Ways PRISM and Edward Snowden Have Exposed Obama As a Hypocrite

Published: mic (June 23, 2013) As Edward Snowden continues his flight from the grasping arms of the federal government, President Obama finds himself in the most unenviable position that can face an ostensibly idealistic politician. He looks like a hypocrite. When I made this observation in a panel discussion last week on HuffPost Live, moderator Josh Zepps correctly pointed out that I was in...

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The Sad Reason Edward Snowden is Our Generation’s Biggest Symbol

Published: mic (June 19, 2013) Is Edward Snowden a hero? There is an anecdote, perhaps apocryphal, that best answers that question. It comes from the early years of the Franklin Roosevelt administration, back when the newly-elected president was meeting with labor leaders to address their concerns about the plight of the working class. After pleading their case and sensing that their one-man...

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Prop 200 Ruling: Voter Suppression Is Just 21st Century Racism

Published: mic (June 17, 2013) First the good news: Champions of civil liberties should celebrate the Supreme Court's ruling Monday overturning an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote. By empowering county registrars to "reject any application for registration that is not accompanied by satisfactory evidence of United States citizenship," the "proof of citizenship" provision of...

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Why Philanthropic Ozwald Boateng is the Angelina Jolie Of Fashion Designers

Published: mic (June 16, 2013) co-author Tillie Adelson There is a phenomenon about celebrities that we have decided to dub the "Bono effect" or more currently the “Angelina Jolie effect.” In summary, it refers to the tendency of the rich and famous to engage in conspicuous charitable and/or philanthropic endeavors for reasons that smack more of self-aggrandizement than genuine nobility of...

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Dear Obama: Stop Acting Like Dick Cheney — Sincerely, Liberals Everywhere

Published: mic (June 18, 2013), Live Interview with Huffington Post (June 19, 2013) Our commander-in-chief had a lot to say during Monday night's interview with Charlie Rose, but CNN aptly summed it up in four words: "I'm no Dick Cheney." If I may, Mr. President, I'd like to respond to that claim with a question I bet all of your supporters (many of them now erstwhile supporters) are asking:...

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Gun Control Debate 2013: Republicans’ “Slippery Slope” Arguments Show An Ignorance Of History

Published: mic (June 8, 2013) In light of the recent ricin attacks on Barack Obama, Michael Bloomberg, and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, it is time for us to acknowledge an unavoidable reality: When the slippery slope fallacy is applied to politics, the consequences can be dangerous. As defined by the Nizkor Project (an organization dedicated to debunking Holocaust denial), a slippery slope...

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Bloomberg Ricin Attack: Don’t Overreact Just Yet

Published: mic (May 29, 2013) When an issue is as superheated as gun control, one can almost instinctively predict the reaction to news stories such as this one: "New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has received an anonymous threatening letter that preliminary tests indicated contained the presence of the poison ricin, law enforcement officials told NBC News. A similar letter, which early...

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George Zimmerman Trial: Release of Trayvon Martin Text Messages is Racist and Reprehensible

Published: mic (May 27, 2013) After facing a wave of controversy for their decision to release Trayvon Martin's private cell phone records to the public, George Zimmerman's attorneys are defending themselves by claiming they merely wish to demonstrate that Martin was "hostile." In their own words, their sole goal is to "assist the jury in understanding why Trayvon Martin chose to hide then...

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Joe Biden Gaffe: VP’s Jewish Comments Were Not Anti-Semitic

Published: mic (May 25, 2013) While Joe Biden is notorious for his gaffes, his recent comments in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month should not be designated as such ... despite the outcry from some critics claiming otherwise. First, let's take a look at what he said: “The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to...

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Why Today’s Democrats Are Not Like LBJ

Published: mic (May 23, 2013) There are days that call for history lessons, and while most liberals don't realize it, we should definitely insist on May 22 being one of them. After all, it was 49 years ago yesterday that President Lyndon Baines Johnson intoned these words at a speech delivered to a graduating class at the University of Michigan: "For a century we labored to settle and to subdue...

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