Published: mic (March 23, 2013), The Express Times (March 23, 2013) From neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers, there is nothing more inherently pathetic than a bigot in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This isn't to say that bigots aren't a pitiful sight as a general rule. As the philosopher Eric Hoffer noted in his classic monograph on mass movements and...
Mississippi Anti-Bloomberg Law: Complete Hypocrisy
Mar 21, 2013 | Abortion, Civil Liberties, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Gender and Sexism, Health & Wellness (Physical), mic
Published: mic (March 21, 2013) I was reluctant to use the same Thomas Jefferson quote twice in less than two weeks, but because the governor of Mississippi missed his golden opportunity to mention it, I simply had to post it again: "The error seems not sufficiently eradicated, that the operations of the mind, as well as the acts of the body, are subject to the coercion of the laws. But our...
Obama Has Failed to Live Up to Previous Statements About Marijuana Decriminalization
Mar 10, 2013 | Criminal Justice/Prison-Industrial Complex, Marijuana Legalization and the War on Drugs, mic, President Obama
Published: mic (March 10, 2013) The marijuana editorial you are about to read begins with a recent speech by Ron Paul and ends with a tongue-lashing penned more than a century ago by a presidential prostitute. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Last Friday, former Congressman Paul (R-Texas) spoke to a gathering of prominent Canadian conservatives to declare that "the drug war needs to be...
Hugo Chavez’s Real Legacy is One of Vicious Anti-Semitism Against the Jews of Venezuela
Mar 10, 2013 | Foreign Policy, Jewish Experiences, mic, World Affairs
Published: mic (March 10, 2013) To anyone who may doubt the appalling nature of the late Hugo Chavez's mistreatment of his nation's Jewish community, it's worth noting that communist dictators are generally a pretty vile bunch. As such, it should go without saying that when one Marxist authoritarian feels compelled to call out another one on a humanitarian flaw, decent people everywhere should...
5 Underrated Songs That Blow Today’s Pop Music Out of the Water
Mar 4, 2013 | Arts and Entertainment, General Advice, mic
Published: mic (March 4, 2013) When I think of the cookie-cutter music so often churned out today — the visceral club beats of a Nicki Minaj or Kesha, the vapid tween-targeted sugar pop of Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers — I can't help but remember a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville, back when the legendary French sociologist went on his famous tour of America in the 1830s: "It would be to...
Gay Rights 2013: Why This Year is Going to Be Pivotal
Feb 4, 2013 | Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, mic, Supreme Court and Other Judicial Issues
Published: mic (February 4, 2013), The Morning Call (February 4, 2013) When Barack Obama mentioned the Stonewall protests in his inaugural address last week, he did more than place gay rights in the same breath as the struggles for women’s equality (his mention of the Seneca Falls convention) and desegregation (his mention of the Selma marches). He also, knowingly or otherwise, foreshadowed the...
“Gay Dog” in Tennessee Might be Killed Because Owner Doesn’t Want Him
Jan 31, 2013 | Animals and Animal Rights, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, mic
Published: mic (January 31, 2013) A dog in Tennessee is going to lose his life today because of suspicions that he is gay. As explained by, "According to the prior owner, the dog was seen 'hunched over,' another male dog, therefore, in this owner's mind, the dog must be gay." One could respond to this by pointing out that dogs "hump" each other as a way of asserting dominance, thus...
Second Inaugural Special: Barack Obama
Jan 21, 2013 | History, mic, President Obama, President Obama's Second Inauguration
Published: PolicyMic (January 21, 2013) "Are you going to the inauguration?" It's not an uncommon question to hear in Washington, D.C., especially when you're on the Metro in the wee hours of the morning with seemingly no other reason to be there. "Yes," I responded. "That's where I'm heading." "Really? As a spectator?" Maybe I exuded an air of professionalism in spite of myself. "No," I...
Second Inaugural Special: Bill Clinton and George W. Bush”
Jan 20, 2013 | History, mic, President Obama's Second Inauguration
Published: PolicyMic (January 20, 2013) Editor's Note: This article is an installment in an 11-part series on the inaugurations of incumbent presidents who were elected to additional terms in office, culminating in an on-the-ground report of Obama's second inauguration. Bill Clinton (January 20, 1997) and George W. Bush (January 20, 2005) 1) Clinton (1997) When Bill Clinton was re-elected in...
Second Inaugural Special: Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan
Jan 20, 2013 | History, mic, President Obama's Second Inauguration
Published: PolicyMic (January 20, 2013) Editor's Note: This article is an installment in an 11-part series on the inaugurations of incumbent presidents who were elected to additional terms in office, culminating in an on-the-ground report of Obama's second inauguration. Richard Nixon (January 20, 1973) and Ronald Reagan (January 20, 1949). 1) Nixon (1973) Richard Nixon's second inaugural address...