

Health Care Reform and the Anti-Injunction Act

Published: PolicyMic (March 14, 2012)   As the Supreme Court prepares to start its hearings on President Barack Obama's health care reform legislation (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA), it makes sense that conservatives and libertarians are eager for the case to proceed as quickly as possible. After all, any ruling issued before November 2012 will constitute some...

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Defending My March 8th Editorial

Published: PolicyMic (March 12, 2012) Editor's Note: The author is responding to Michael Suede's article here. Suede responded to the author's original article. This is my response to PolicyMic pundit Michael Suede's editorial “America’s Founders Were Pro-Big Government, But Only Because it Suited Their Interests.” I respond to each passage in its own right, with the different sections indicated...

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On Mitt Romney’s Mormon Background

Published: PolicyMic (March 4, 2012) Thanks to his recent victories in the Michigan and Arizona primaries, Mitt Romney once again has emerged as the strongest contender for the Republican presidential nomination. As such, I think it is appropriate to draw attention to the unique dilemma he will pose to liberals in the event that he is the ultimate victor in Tampa. Up until now, the...

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On Supporting Abortion Rights

Published: PolicyMic (February 28, 2012), As Quoted in an Obama Presidential Campaign Commercial (April 27, 2012 at the 1:07 mark) A new bill proposed by Pennsylvania Representative Kathy Rapp would require any woman seeking an abortion to first undergo an ultrasound. During this procedure, the doctor would be forced to put the view screen in her field of vision so she could see the fetus and...

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Why Ron Paul Appeals to the Millennial Generation

Published:  The Morning Call (February 24, 2012), PolicyMic (February 24, 2012)  As Ron Paul's inability to expand his base within the Republican Party makes his bid for the GOP presidential nomination seem increasingly futile, media outlets are discussing whether he'll make another run as a third-party candidate. While the jury is out as to what he'll decide, one thing is certain: Paul would...

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On Obama’s Economic (Obamanomics) Policies

Published: The Morning Call (December 14, 2011) The Labor Department recently reported that 140,000 jobs were created in November, causing unemployment to fall to 8.6 percent, the lowest it has been in 21/2 years. When you add that to the nearly 3 million jobs that grew in the private sector over the past 21 months, you have to wonder whether Obamanomics is starting to work. The answer is no. It...

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Extremism in the 2012 Republican Primaries

Published: The Morning Call (November 21, 2011) If I were a Republican, I would be very concerned right now about the future of my party. Allow me to explain. As of the moment, President Barack Obama is an extremely vulnerable incumbent. Unemployment remains chronically high, his approval ratings are mired in the low 40s, and he has done a horrendous job of selling his signature achievements to...

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Rick Santorum and Gay Rights

Published: The Morning Call (October 2, 2011) In a recent interview with Politico, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum issued a scathing denunciation of Google. "If you're a responsible business," he remarked, "you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country." One might expect such strong words to be reserved for the greatest rascals of...

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The Tea Party and the Constitution

Published: The Morning Call (August 15, 2011) When reviewing "Atlas Shrugged," the magnum opus of libertarian paladin Ayn Rand, famed anti-communist Whittaker Chambers made this observation about her philosophy: "Out of a lifetime of reading, I can recall no other book in which a tone of overriding arrogance was so implacably sustained. Its shrillness is without reprieve. Its dogmatism is...

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The Tea Party and the Debt Ceiling Debate

Published: The Express Times (July 28, 2011) Even though I am hardly a fan of the disproportionate influence of big businesses in our government, the reality is that the vast majority of them don’t want a default any more than centrists, leftists and moderate conservatives. The blame here rests entirely with the Tea Party and their enablers in Congress, all of whom stand alone in their...

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