

Clintonism deserves its due

Published: The Huffington Post (March 21, 2016), The Good Men Project (March 17, 2016) Whenever I talk to potential voters who doubt Hillary Clinton (not outright oppose her, mind you, but simply have reservations), I find there are two arguments which are most likely to convince them to develop a more favorable view of her potential presidency. One is the possibility that not turning out to...

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How to make “Indiana Jones 5? the best of the series: Kill off the racist, sexist tropes the series is steeped in

Published: Salon (March 16, 2016) Like most millennials, I’m absolutely psyched that Steven Spielberg is making a fifth “Indiana Jones” movie. The 1980s trilogy was a staple of my childhood, and after the disappointment of 2008’s “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” I’m hoping with bated breath that this new (and presumably final) chapter will offer a fitting close to the...

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Being a PhD Student with Asperger’s Syndrome

Published: The Good Men Project (March 12, 2016) Without question, pursuing a PhD in history was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only has it opened doors in my writing career - which, professionally speaking, is my one true love - but it has allowed me to interact with some of the most brilliant people I've ever met. The conversations that we have had both within and outside of the...

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What it actually feels like to be targeted by Donald Trump’s neo-Nazi fan club

Published: Quartz (March 10, 2016) With 458 delegates under his belt so far (and counting), Donald Trump is now more than one-third of the way toward receiving the Republican presidential nomination. Although millions of Americans both inside and out of the Grand Old Party are reacting to this prospect with justifiable disgust, millions more find nothing wrong with a frontrunner reluctant to...

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“It’s Always Sunny” gang goes to hell: The long-running “Seinfeld” heir skewers rape culture, homophobia and religious hypocrisy in two-part finale

Published: Salon (March 8, 2016) If we live in the golden age of television, the FXX comedy “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is one of the underappreciated gems. Often billed as “Seinfeld on crack,” the show has a distinct comic sensibility of its own, cynically reveling in the monstrosities of its five main characters, who have been described in-series as “the most horrible people alive.”...

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This civil war is going to end: Don’t forget that Bernie & Hillary are on the same side

Published: Salon (March 2, 2016) The Super Tuesday results are in. On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won a fierce battle over Senator Bernie Sanders, taking home a majority of delegates in seven states compared to her rival’s four. In this heated campaign, you’d think that the stakes of the contest between Clinton and Sanders couldn’t be higher. While you wouldn’t...

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#MisfitsUnite! – An Aspie’s Call for Social Change

Published: The Good Men Project (February 20, 2016) I've been writing about living with Asperger's Syndrome for more than three years, and during that time I have received a curious response from many readers outside of the HFA (or high-functioning autism) community. Although many of them strongly identify with my descriptions of not understanding "the game" behind social interactions and...

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Why I Admire Hillary Clinton’s Toughness

Published: The Good Men Project (February 18, 2016) Whenever I write nice things about Hillary Clinton, I'm compelled to preface them by mentioning that I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter. Inevitably I receive angry letters insisting that no one who truly Feels The Bern could say anything positive about his current arch-rival, but the reality is that I don't simply respect Clinton out of a desire...

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Why Bernie Sanders’ Judaism is so important

Published: Salon (February 11, 2016) With his New Hampshire primary victory now in the books, Bernie Sanders has done more than simply guarantee that Hillary Clinton won’t have a free ride to the Democratic nomination. Indeed, even if Clinton ultimately bests Sanders in the upcoming primaries, the Vermont senator has still achieved something of lasting significance: He is the first Jewish...

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The Problematic Inevitability of Marco Rubio

Published: The Good Men Project (February 6, 2016) Last April, I wrote a piece for The Daily Dot about why Marco Rubio would never be the Republican presidential nominee. In the aftermath of the Iowa caucus, I feel compelled to retract that prediction... although not because the points I made there were entirely wrong. The problem is that, when I analyzed Rubio's candidacy ten months ago, Donald...

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