Published: Salon (January 19, 2016) The most important moment of Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate involved not what was said, but what moderator Lester Holt made sure his audience would never get to hear. After permitting Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to offer lengthy replies to a question on the drug epidemic, he cut off Martin O’Malley and moved to a commercial break despite...
There’s a new, refreshing trend in online bullying
Jan 15, 2016 | Bullying, Internet Culture, mic
Published: The Daily Dot (January 14, 2016) If there is a single major social problem that best captures the pros and cons of our Internet-driven world, it is the issue of bullying. On one hand, the Internet has become notorious in recent years as a breeding ground for bullying behavior. According to the Cyberbullying Research Center, about half of young people have experienced some form of...
My Unpronounceable Hungarian Last Name
Jan 15, 2016 | Autobiographical, mic, Race and Racism
Published: The Good Men Project (January 14, 2016) Let me tell you something about my last name. Even though it’s spelled “Rozsa,” it is pronounced ‘Roja.’ Being Hungarian, the ‘zs’ is pronounced in the same way that one would articulate an ‘s’ in ‘pleasure’ or ‘leisure,’ not as a ‘z’ in ‘zebra’ or ‘s’ in ‘hose,’ such as English would lead you to believe. For the first thirty years of my life,...
Kim Davis, Donald Trump, and the Maddening Paradox of Ignoring the Obnoxious
Jan 15, 2016 | Conservativism, Elections - Presidential (2016), Extremism, Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Media Issues, mic, Political Ideologies, Race and Racism
Published: The Good Men Project (January 12, 2016) The Internet is understandably indignant that Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, has been invited to appear at President Obama's State of the Union. Insofar as they are outraged at this doffing of a symbolic hat to a walking symbol of homophobia, they are absolutely correct. At...
Marvel’s Spider-Man is the first sign of the apocalypse!
Jan 9, 2016 | Arts and Entertainment, mic
Published: The Good Men Project (January 9, 2016) Okay, I don't really mean that. There has been so much written about the upcoming Spider-Man movie that I felt a little hyperbole would help attract your attention. If you're reading this, though, that means I wasn't wrong... so let me explain why the inclusion of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is, in fact, a terrible thing for...
One year after the Charlie Hebdo attack, we are still #JeSuisCharlie
Jan 6, 2016 | Civil Liberties, mic, Race and Racism, Terrorism
Published: The Daily Dot (January 6, 2016) January 7th marks the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris that left 12 dead and 11 wounded. As we reflect on the greater meaning of the tragedy that occurred that day, a series of complex lessons present themselves, encompassing many of the most crucial issues facing the United States today—from the importance of defending free...
The Sexist Criticisms of Kylo Ren
Jan 5, 2016 | Arts and Entertainment, Gender and Sexism, mic
Published: The Good Men Project (January 5, 2016) Warning: This entire article is one big spoiler! If you want to understand why men are reluctant to discuss their emotions, look no further than the response to Kylo Ren from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." On Twitter, there is a popular (and media-lauded) account called "Emo Kylo Ren," in which the Star Wars antagonist makes comments like "Darth...
The Comedy in White Supremacy
Jan 2, 2016 | Internet Culture, mic, Race and Racism, Satirical Essays
Published: The Good Men Project (January 2, 2016) It's one thing to explain why modern white supremacists are funny (something I've already done several times), but it's quite another to actually illustrate how this can be the case. Fortunately, a good friend of mine recently received an anonymous message from an Internet stalker which allows me to do precisely that. This troll, you see, was...
Living with an Invisible Disability
Dec 31, 2015 | Autobiographical, General Advice, mic
Published: The Good Men Project (December 31, 2015) This is an article about invisible disabilities... metaphorical as well as literal. As many of my readers already know, I was born with a hand-eye coordination disability that mystifies my neurologists to this day. Thanks to my parents' diligence and the help of wonderful childhood physical therapists, I have sufficiently overcome it so that...
5 reasons why 2015 was the year of the social justice warrior
Dec 31, 2015 | Elections - Presidential (2016), Gay Rights and Other LGBTQIA Issues, Gender and Sexism, mic, Race and Racism
Published: Salon (December 31, 2015), The Daily Dot (December 26, 2015) Although the term “social justice warrior” was constructed as an insult against progressive activists, the year 2015 has amply demonstrated why liberals should embrace the term. Social justice issues dominated the year, from race to sexual identity and beyond. Here are five ways the United States grappled with with social...