
Military-Industrial Complex/Security State

Amal Clooney is ‘fascinating’ – but not because of that guy she married

Published: Daily Dot (December 17, 2014) One of the greatest achievements in human history. Barbara Walters wasn’t technically incorrect when she used this phrase to declare Amal Clooney as the most fascinating person of 2014. After all, Walters' choice was a lawyer who has waged many important battles for human rights. Yet as Walters made clear in her segment, her tribute to the woman formerly...

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3 Reasons I’m Not #ReadyForHillary Just Yet

Published: Daily Dot (November 20, 2014) As a progressive millennial who actively volunteered for and supported Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries, I am ready to make public an opinion I’ve only expressed in private until now: In retrospect, I wish we’d nominated Hillary Clinton. This statement isn’t intended as a slight against Obama (who I actually ranked pretty highly...

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The Pentagon Just Announced Something No Millennial Has Ever Experienced

Published: mic (February 24, 2014), Appearance on Channel 69 - WFMZ (February 25, 2014) The news: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel plans to announce billions of dollars in military spending cuts, reducing our armed forces to troop levels unseen since 1940— before America entered World War II. In addition to reducing the size of our standing army, he will also propose limiting pay raises,...

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Why All Americans Must Unite Behind Rand Paul’s Anti-NSA Lawsuit

Published: mic (January 4, 2014) Liberals, conservatives, and libertarians unite! If ever there was a time for us to see past our differences in the name of a common cause, that time is now. As Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced last night, a movement is afoot for a class action lawsuit against the federal government over the National Security Agency's decision to spy on millions of American...

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What This 1898 War Can Teach Obama Today About Syria

Published: mic (September 13, 2013) Political insight can come from the darndest places. On this occasion, inspiration struck me in the midst of insomnia-induced light reading. My nocturnal literary companion, Kristin L. Hoganson's classic historical monograph Fighting for American Manhood, was discussing the various ways in which Victorian ideals on masculinity influenced America's imperialist...

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War in Syria Feeds the Military Industrial Complex — I Wish Ike Were Here

Published: mic (September 11, 2013) While it's a tad unorthodox to opean a political op-ed with two historical quotes, this pair strikes me as particularly prescient: 1. "They [the Union of states] will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican...

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The Chris Christie vs. Rand Paul Civil War is the Best Thing the GOP Could Ask For

Published: mic (August 12, 2013) While Sarah Palin rarely provokes anything more than justified contempt among the left, her recent announcement that she is on "Team Rand" is as good a cause as any for liberals to remind themselves of why the ongoing feud between the libertarian-leaning Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and the center-right New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) — two of the top contenders for...

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