

Anita Sarkeesian & The Self-Dehumanization of a Generation

Published: The Good Men Project (September 24, 2014; republished on October 15, 2014) The backlash against statements by gaming commentator Anita Sarkeesian has writer Matthew Rozsa questioning mob mentality in the digital world.   Before discussing the Anita Sarkeesian controversy – better known these days as “GamerGate” – I’d like to submit the following quote for your consideration,...

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The Pentagon Just Announced Something No Millennial Has Ever Experienced

Published: mic (February 24, 2014), Appearance on Channel 69 - WFMZ (February 25, 2014) The news: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel plans to announce billions of dollars in military spending cuts, reducing our armed forces to troop levels unseen since 1940— before America entered World War II. In addition to reducing the size of our standing army, he will also propose limiting pay raises,...

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What the 20-Something Nostalgia Obsession Means About Growing Up

Published: mic (February 21, 2014) Jean-Luc Godard once said that the best way to criticize a movie is to make another one. But our generation has put a strange twist on his aphorism: Even when we make new movies, we only seem to do so as a way of seeing old ones again. Don't believe me? Just look at the top box office hits of the past 14 years. With the exception of Avatar, every film was an...

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Rand Paul’s Republican Revolution Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Democrats

Published: mic (February 19, 2014) The news. In a recent interview with Politico, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) discussed how the Republican Party could attract minority voters by focusing on a new slate of issues. These included reforming the war on drugs, opposing indefinite detention of detainees at military bases, and shifting the immigration debate away from border security and toward...

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Why Millennials Should Avoid Getting Sucked Into Black Friday

Published: mic (November 27, 2013) According to a recent survey by the National Retail Federation, nearly one in four Americans are willing to shop on Thanksgiving. Indeed, of the 33 million shoppers expected to hit the streets tomorrow, the one anticipated to turn out in the largest numbers are those between the ages of 18 and 36 - i.e., millennials. This is a disgrace. When the legendary...

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Why Ron Paul Appeals to the Millennial Generation

Published:  The Morning Call (February 24, 2012), PolicyMic (February 24, 2012)  As Ron Paul's inability to expand his base within the Republican Party makes his bid for the GOP presidential nomination seem increasingly futile, media outlets are discussing whether he'll make another run as a third-party candidate. While the jury is out as to what he'll decide, one thing is certain: Paul would...

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