
Other Media

The Pentagon Just Announced Something No Millennial Has Ever Experienced

Published: mic (February 24, 2014), Appearance on Channel 69 - WFMZ (February 25, 2014) The news: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel plans to announce billions of dollars in military spending cuts, reducing our armed forces to troop levels unseen since 1940— before America entered World War II. In addition to reducing the size of our standing army, he will also propose limiting pay raises,...

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Dear Obama: Stop Acting Like Dick Cheney — Sincerely, Liberals Everywhere

Published: mic (June 18, 2013), Live Interview with Huffington Post (June 19, 2013) Our commander-in-chief had a lot to say during Monday night's interview with Charlie Rose, but CNN aptly summed it up in four words: "I'm no Dick Cheney." If I may, Mr. President, I'd like to respond to that claim with a question I bet all of your supporters (many of them now erstwhile supporters) are asking:...

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Electoral College Map: Obama Will Win, See State By State Breakdown

Published: PolicyMic (November 6, 2012) Jesse Merkel, my "opponent" in offering a prediction for the 2012 election, wrote this piece about me after the fact. Editor's Note: In this special Election Day feature, PolicyMic is spotlighting the election predictions of two of our most prominent pundits, conservative Jesse Merkel and liberal Matthew Rozsa. As a twist, we also got them to agree a...

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‘To one subject only’

Matthew Rozsa's Masters Thesis from Rutgers Date Created2012 Other Date2012-01 (degree) Subject: History, Presidents—United States—Messages, Cleveland, Grover, 1837-190 Description: Grover Cleveland‘s third State of the Union took the unique step of only discussing one subject, tariff reform. This was in marked contrast to its predecessors, which had always covered a multitude of issues. This...

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Defending My March 8th Editorial

Published: PolicyMic (March 12, 2012) Editor's Note: The author is responding to Michael Suede's article here. Suede responded to the author's original article. This is my response to PolicyMic pundit Michael Suede's editorial “America’s Founders Were Pro-Big Government, But Only Because it Suited Their Interests.” I respond to each passage in its own right, with the different sections indicated...

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On Supporting Abortion Rights

Published: PolicyMic (February 28, 2012), As Quoted in an Obama Presidential Campaign Commercial (April 27, 2012 at the 1:07 mark) A new bill proposed by Pennsylvania Representative Kathy Rapp would require any woman seeking an abortion to first undergo an ultrasound. During this procedure, the doctor would be forced to put the view screen in her field of vision so she could see the fetus and...

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