
The Chris Christie vs. Rand Paul Civil War is the Best Thing the GOP Could Ask For

Published: mic (August 12, 2013) While Sarah Palin rarely provokes anything more than justified contempt among the left, her recent announcement that she is on "Team Rand" is as good a cause as any for liberals to remind themselves of why the ongoing feud between the...

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Dear Obama: Stop Acting Like Dick Cheney — Sincerely, Liberals Everywhere

Published: mic (June 18, 2013), Live Interview with Huffington Post (June 19, 2013) Our commander-in-chief had a lot to say during Monday night's interview with Charlie Rose, but CNN aptly summed it up in four words: "I'm no Dick Cheney." If I may, Mr. President, I'd...

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Ted Cruz 2016: Presidential Run Would Put Birthers in a Bind

Published: mic (May 18, 2013), The Morning Call (May 20, 2013) From a strictly political standpoint, the past month has been pretty good for Sen. Ted Cruz. First the Tea Party darling further endeared himself to grassroots rightists by claiming that he had privately...

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